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Meeting Role Descriptions

The general evaluator is just what the name implies - an evaluator of anything and everything that takes place throughout the meeting. This includes leadership, mood, quality, timing and evaluation of all participants other than the speakers. In addition, the general evaluator is responsible for the evaluation team, and for running the evaluation portion of the meeting.

Several days before the meeting, contact each of the Speech Evaluators to confirm their roles and urge them to be in touch with their speakers. Also confirm role assignments with each of the functionaries (Timer, Ah/Um Counter, Grammarian) and make sure that they understand their duties. If evaluators or functionaries indicate that they cannot fulfill their roles, ask if they would be willing to find replacements.

The Toastmaster will be contacting you to confirm your participation and answer any questions you may have. If there are any evaluator or functionary roles still open, work with the Toastmaster and VP of Education to get them filled.

Review the duties of the General Evaluator and make sure you are familiar enough with each of the other roles to be able to comment on them effectively. Prepare a brief explanation of the purpose and importance of evaluation, and think about different ways you might structure your comments. Remember that the goal of evaluation is not to criticize, but to help others overcome weak habits and build confidence and skill.

As you Arrive at the Meeting:
Make sure all evaluators and functionaries are present and prepared. If a substitute is needed at the last minute, coordinate with the Toastmaster and VP of Education to recruit one. Sit near the back of the room to allow yourself full view of the meeting and its participants.

During the Meeting:
Take notes on everything that happens (or doesn't but should) from the moment you walk in the room to the time you give your report. Along with your observations, think about specific things that individuals or the club as a whole could do to improve.

When introduced by the Toastmaster after Table Topics, approach the lectern, shake the Toastmaster's hand, and assume control of the meeting.

Briefly explain the evaluation portion of the meeting -- how it works and why it is important.

Introduce each evaluator by name only (no introductory remarks) and which speaker and speech they are evaluating. Lead the applause before and after their evaluations, shaking hands to exchange control of the lectern.

When the speech evaluations are complete, ask for the reports of the Timer, Ah/Um Counter, and Grammarian, who will stand by their chairs to give their reports. Lead the applause when they are finished.

Give your general evaluation, focusing on the role of the Evaluators, Table Topics Master, and Toastmaster, as well as the meeting overall. Limit your evaluation to three minutes, keeping in mind that it is not necessary or practical to comment on every single item you observed.

Return control to the Toastmaster. Wait at the lectern to shake the Toastmaster's hand.

After the Meeting:
If you have additional comments or suggestions for future meetings, share them with the President or another club officer.

Helpful Links:
Checklist for General Evaluators
District 52's General Evaluator Role sheet
includes checklists for evaluating Table Topics Master and Toastmaster (PDF)

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