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Meeting Role Descriptions

The Timer's function is to report on the timing performance of prepared speakers, table topics speakers, and evaluators.

Make sure you understand how to use the timing cards, and know the appropriate length of each speaking role. (Table topics are 1-2 minutes; evaluations are 2-3 minutes; prepared speeches vary by assignment.) Prepare a clear and concise summary of your role for the benefit of visiting guests. You might want to print out copies of the Timer Quick Reference and Timer Report Form to help keep yourself organized.
If you have any questions, ask your General Evaluator prior to the meeting.

As you Arrive at the Meeting:
Arrive 5 minutes early and get the timing cards and stop watch from the Sergeant-at-Arms box. Sit in a place where you will be easily visible to the speakers. On a blank sheet of paper (or the Timer Report Form), list the names of the Speakers, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator. Confirm the allotted times for each speech on the agenda.

During the Meeting:
After your introduction by the Toastmaster, briefly explain the role of Timer and include a demonstration of the timing cards.

Time speeches, table topics speakers, and speech evaluators. Start the timer with the speaker's first word. When the speaker reaches the minimum speech length, hold up the green card. Halfway through the interval, hold up the yellow card. When a speaker reaches the maximum time limit, hold up the red card. Keep holding the cards up until it is time to show another color, or the speaker finishes. Record each speaker's final time.

When called upon by the General Evaluator, stand at your seat and read out the times for the speakers, table topics speakers, and evaluators. When you are finished, return control of the meeting by saying, "Madam or Mr. General Evaluator," and take your seat.

Timer Quick Reference - adapted from District 58 Toastmasters (DOC)
Timer Report Form - adapted from District 58 Toastmasters (DOC)

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