MIT Green Computing
   An Examination of the Environmental Effects of Computers at MIT

Departmental and Faculty Computers at MIT

Although the number of computers in use by MIT students is quite large, it still pales in comparison to the enormous number of computers in use by MIT faculty, research, library, and administrative staff, research facilities, and computer clusters. MIT faculty and researchers work on some of the most cutting edge technologies in the world today, and much of this work requires extensive use of computers and processing power. Thus, one can expect a large environmental impact from the computing resources at use at MIT.

How many computers are in use?

There are an estimated 1.5 computers on campus for every faculty member and administrative staff member. If we then take into account the over 8,700 persons employed all across MIT [1], we find that there are approximately 13,050 computers on campus. This massive number of machines does not even include the student computers and machines in the Athena cluster.

Where are these machines coming from?

The majority of the computers at MIT are bought from an online computing store named NECX. NECX accounts for approximately 50% of the computers purchased for use on MIT's campus. The rest of the computers purchased are either bought directly from the manufacturer, or are procured through a reseller of some sort.

Click here to access the NECX website.

Next Section: Types of Departmental and Faculty Computers

MIT Facts 2001