MIT Green Computing
   An Examination of the Environmental Effects of Computers at MIT

Asset Tracking


The Central Office would also maintain a large database of all the computers on the MIT campus.  This database would simplify the processes of asset management, reallocation, and decommission.  We propose that the database should also include all student machines, even those not purchased through the C.O.  Right now, students have to enter information about their machine when registering for an IP address.  MIT knows the computer make, operating system, owner, and MAC address.  Logging this information in the C.O. database would allow the office to properly track all computer flows in and out of the school.  Furthermore, it would allow the school to offer further services (end-of-life, etc.) to computer users.


Simplified Transfers / Paperwork

As mentioned, a centralized asset database allows for easier flow of computing resources within the institute.  Coordination between departments becomes more of a reality and the amount of paperwork required is drastically decreased. 


Economical Use of Assets

We feel it is important that MIT set the pace for environmentally conscious computing.  One way the pace can be set is through a reduction in the number of machines purchased.  Certainly, departments do not need all of their computers replaced with the newest models every 18 months.  In certain circumstances, cheaper machines or older machines would be able to accomplish the required task.  Keeping these old machines in use should be one of the primary concerns of the Central Office.  The result would be a positive impact on the environment and on the budget of the Institute.


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