Political Cleavages within Industry: Firm-level Lobbying for Trade Liberalization [paper][Web Appendix][bibtex]
American Political Science Review (2017), Vol. 111, No. 1, pp. 1-20. (lead article); Winner of the 2018 Michael Wallerstein Award for the best published article in political economy in the previous year; Winner of the IPES 2013 Best Paper Award LobbyView: Firm-level Lobbying Database [Webpage][paper][bibtex][demo video] |
Estimating Spatial Preferences from Votes and Text [paper][Web Appendix][bibtex] Political Analysis (2018), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 210-229. (with John Londregan and Marc Ratkovic) |
Firms and Global Value Chains: Identifying Firms’ Multidimensional Trade Preferences [paper][bibtex][Appendix] International Studies Quarterly (2019), Vol 63, No. 1, pp. 153-167. (with Helen V. Milner, Thomas Bernauer, Iain
Osgood, Gabrielle Spilker, and Dustin Tingley) |
When Should We Use Unit Fixed Effects Regression Models for Causal Inference with Longitudinal Data? [paper][bibtex] American Journal of Political Science (2019), Vol 63, No. 2, pp. 467-490. (with Kosuke Imai) Software ["wfe": Weighted Linear Fixed Effects Regression Models for Causal Inference] |
The Effects of Political Institutions on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade [paper][bibtex][Web Appendix] International Organization, (2019), Vol 73, No. 4, pp. 755-792. (with John Londregan and Marc Ratkovic) |
Measuring Trade Profile with Granular Product-level Trade Data [paper][bibtex]
American Journal of Political Science, (2020), Vol 64, No. 1, pp. 102-117. (with Steven Liao and Kosuke Imai) Software ["dynCluster": Dynamic Clustering Algorithm] |
Mapping Political Communities: A Statistical Analysis of Lobbying Networks in Legislative Politics [paper][bibtex][Appendix] Political Analysis, (2021), Vol.29, No.3, pp.317-336 (with Dmitriy Kunisky) Software ["polnet": A Statistical Analysis of Political Networks] |
Learning Bill Similarity with Annotated and Augmented Corpora of Bills [paper][bibtex] Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). (2021) (with Jiseon Kim, Elden Griggs, and Alice Oh) Software [Human-annotated & Synthetic U.S. Congressional Bills Data] |
Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data [paper][bibtex][Appendix] American Journal of Political Science, (2023), Vol.67, No.3, pp.587-605 (with Kosuke Imai and Erik Wang) Software ["PanelMatch": Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data] |
The Effects of Firms' Lobbying on Resource Misallocation [paper][Web Appendix][bibtex] (with Federico Huneeus)
Democracy and Trade Policy at the Product Level [paper][short version][appendix][bibtex](with Soubhik Barari) [demo video for tariff database] |
Bicoordinate Descent for the LASSO [paper] (with John Londregan and Marc Ratkovic)