The Jacks Lab
lab fun

Lab Outing 2006: A Scavenger Hunt in the historic city of Boston



And the 5 teams are...

The Jacks' Asses Team

Ann, Nate, Michel, Judy, Keara

Team BL/6

Greg, Laura, Phil, Rhianna, Amber, Chris


The "Hennight" Team

Jaclyn, Sharon, Eve, Dawn, Alison


The "Together-We-Are-Tumorigenic" Team (all UROPs!)

Stephanie, Hannah, Jennifer, Frank, Chensi


The Specific Aims Team

Grace, Andrea, Peter, Carla, Monte

Fenway Park Tour --

Section 13, row LL??

Singing "take me out to the ball game" for the next clue

Saying Hi to Ted Williams...

Eve's second proposal of the day

Make way for ducklings!



in trouble already

Swearing allegiance to ... the Jacks Lab

Jacks' Asses found .... an Ass!

So did the hennight team


Impromptu performance at scheduled pit-stop

The Boston Massacre -- all over again




Singing: "I'm a little teapot" under the tea kettle

Phil - who's sadly leaving us this summer

Best book in the entire Public Library

The answer is 19

Dinner with final tally

Tyler (in his role of the judge)



The "BASC" team

The 3 postdocs that are leaving this summer: Carla, Asit, Meg

The hard core people still out at 2am

(the organizers: Anne with our colleague, the lovely Amanda)