The Jacks Lab

Kras G12D Conditional PCR
(multiplex & single allele)

Use Promega Green Taq Master Mix

Reaction Mix:

DNA 100ng 1.0ul
Master Mix (2x) 5.0ul
Primer Mix (5uM each) 1ul
milliQ fill to 10 ul


PCR Primers:

1 5' gtc ttt ccc cag cac agt gc 3'
2 5' ctc ttg cct acg cca cca gct c 3’
3 5’ agc tag cca cca tgg ctt gag taa gtc tgc a 3’

PCR Conditions:

1. 95C 2:00
2. 95C 0:30
3. 61C 0:30
4. 72C 0:45
5. Goto 2 x34 cycles
6. 72C 10:00
7. 4C 0:00

Expected Bands: (run gel a long way to discern between the 3)


Wt= ~622bp






1 lox (recombined) = ~650bp

What a gel would look like:


Location of Primers:


KrasG12D Sequence