Location: Kansai Dialect Self-study Site / Ch1. Characteristics / 2. Linguistic Aspects /

g. Honorifics

たこ焼き屋 Takoyaki shop (Abiko, Osaka)
Honorific expression was originally integrated into the Kansai area where the capital was located and its complexity was increased because of feudalism.  The modern Kansai dialect still retains the complex expressions that can be used depending on the interlocutor (the person to whom you talk) in addition to the regular honorific expressions.  The clearest example is the existence of the light honorific auxiliary verbs はる/やはる, and the light pejorative auxiliary verbs おる/よる.  Nowadays the Kansai speakers use the light honorifics はる/やはる quite often, replacing the regular honorific expressions. In that sense, the use of honorific expression is quite simplified in the Kansai dialect these days.

はる follows Negative-form stem (Kyoto, Nara and Shiga area) or Masu-from stem (Osaka) for るverbs and うverbs. It basically follows Masu-form stem for irregular verbs regardless the region,  like the following:
*Move the mouse over the speaker icon for sound


先生(せんせい)、もう(ひる)(はん)食べは りましたか?

(ST ()()がりましたか)


(ST 貸してくださいませんか)

はる is used not only as an honorific expression but also just as a polite expression, or simply to be gentle and polite (usually by females). It can be used even for family members or animals! (especially in Kyoto / Shiga area)

(To one’s own mother)  お(とう)さん、部屋(へや)にいはったわ。

(ST お父さん、部屋にいたよ)

(About one’s own baby) この(ひと)毎日(まいにち)テレビ()はるねん。

(ST この()、毎日テレビ見るのよ/見るんだよ。)

(Female talking to her child)  ほら、(いぬ)がこっち()はるで ! 

(ST ほら、犬がこっちに来るよ!)

Humble expressions are used the same way as in the standard, however, note that おる, the humble form of いる, is also used as a light pejorative auxiliary verb, to look down on or to show hierarchical difference from the person, or just to be blunt. This is in opposition to the use of はる as a neutral polite.

(Talking to Mom about younger brother) たかし、(なに)とる(=しておる)?

(ST たかし、何してる?)

(About a stray cat) あの(ねこ)()とん(=寝ておる)で。

(ST あの猫、寝ているよ。)

Further explanations and examples as well as aural exercises are provided under Ch4 Lesson 4.
