ビデオ聞き取り練習13: Authentic - medium
Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
the clip.
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Kusaka-san was talking about speech styles.
- ま、相手、やっぱ言葉って、この、会話って言うのは、相手によりけりだと思うんです、そのときの話し方っていうのは。、、一番うちの得意の先生が,あの、お客
んといかん (Grammar 3) とも思うし。
*相手 the other party
*会話 conversation
*〜けり(classical Japanese) =よ、なあ、ものだ
*得意=得意先 customer, patron
*正座 sit uptight (with one’s legs folded under one)
*書道 calligraphy
(Shiga/Kyoto) |
Q: What is his opinion regarding speech styles?
- It depends on the addressee. If he speaks with his best patron
should sit uptight and speak in a way that is not rude to the patron.
- It depends on the addressee. But he thinks speaking too
politely with
uptight sitting posture would be rather rude to his best patron.
- It depends on the speaker, e.g. his best patron always sits
uptight and
speaks in a way that is not rude to the addressee.
- It depends on the speaker, e.g. his best patron speaks to him
rudely, no matter how polite he is, sitting uptight.