Morris Halle

Published Works


The Old Church Slavonic Conjugation, Word Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 155-167, 1951.


Preliminaries to Speech Analysis: The Distinctive Features and Their Correlates - Technical Report No. 13, with Roman Jakobson and C. Gunnar M. Fant, MIT Acoustics Laboratory, (preface from 1951), viii-58pp. First printing January 1952; second printing with additions and corrections May 1952; third printing June 1955; fourth printing 1961; fifth printing MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1963.


The German Conjugation Word Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 45-53, 1953.

Toward the Logical Description of Languages in their Phonemic Aspect, with E. Colin Cherry and Roman Jakobson, Language Vol. 29 No. 1 January/March 1953, pp. 34-46, 1953.

Review of H. Koneczna and W. Zawadowsky, Przekroje rentgenograficzne glosek polskich (X-Ray Sections of Polish Sounds [rough translation] book on Polish x-ray tracings), Word Vol. 9, pp. 394-396, 1953.


The Strategy of Phonemics, Word Vol. 10 No. 2-3 Aug/Dec 1954, pp. 197-209, 1954.

Why and How Do We Study the Sounds of Speech? September 1954, Georgetown University Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics, No. 7, pp. 73-83, 1954.


Review of Hans Lullies, Physiologie der Stimme unde Sprache, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 27, pp. 391, 1955. Also copy from American Institute of Physics, no further information.

Review of Miscellanea Phonetica II, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 27, 621, 1955.

Example of a statistical investigation of the text "Eugene Onegin" illustrating the dependence between samples in chain A.A. Markov; Translated by Morris Halle


Phonology and Phonetics, with Roman Jakobson, Fundamentals of Language, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 1-51, 1956. Full text, 112 pages (typed copy?)

Spectral Properties of Fricative Consonants, with George W. Hughes, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 28 No. 2, March 1956, pp. 303-310, 1956.

Review of Charles F. Hockett, Manual of Phonology, Current Publications on Acoustics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 28 No. 3, May 1956, pp. 509-511, 1956.

On Accent and Juncture in English, with Noam Chomsky and Fred Lukoff, For Roman Jakobson, Mouton, The Hague 1956, pp. 65-80, 1956.


Acoustic Properties of Stop Consonants, with G.W. Hughes and J-P. A. Radley, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 29 No. 1, January 1957, pp. 107-116, 1957.

In Defense of Number Two, E. Pulgram (ed.), Studies in Honor of J. Whatmough, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 65-72, 1957.

Phonology in Relation to Phonetics, with Roman Jakobson, in L. Kaiser (ed.) Manual of Phonetics, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 215-251, 1957. (modified version of #10)


Review of G. Herdan, Language as Choice and Chance, Kratylos, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 20-28, 1958.


Review of Charles Kenneth Thomas, Revision of An Introduction of the Phonetics of American English, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 31, pp. 86, 1959.

О незамеченном акростихе Державина, International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, 1/2, pp. 232-236, 1959.

"Supplementary Note to E. Petrovici: La distinction phonologique en trois sortes de N et de L", with Robert Jakobson, International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, No. 1/2, pp. 192-194, 1959.

The Sound Pattern of Russian: A Linguistic and Acoustical Investigation, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 203, 1959; Also Thomas F. Magner's review of "Sound Pattern of Russian," The Slavic and Eastern European Journal, New Series Vol. IV (XVIII) No. 4, Mouton, pp. 369-370, Winter 1960.

Questions of Linguistics, del supplemento al Vol. 13, series X del Nuovo Cimento, pp. 494-517, 1959. Revised version "On the Bases of Phonology," in J. Fodor and J. Katz, eds. The Structure of Language Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp. 324-333, 1964.

Research Objectives, with R. Jakobson and A. N. Chomsky

"Analysis by Synthesis," with K.N. Stevens, Proceedings of the Seminar on Speech Communication and Processing, AFCRC-TR-198, Bedford, MA, December 1959, Vol. II D-7, 5 pages, 1959.


Review of R.I. Avanesov, Fonetika sovremennogo russkogo litaraturnogo jazyka, Word, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 140-152, 1960.

Review of Materialy po mašinnomu perevodu, Language, Vol. 36, No. 1, January-March 1960, pp. 112-117, 1960.

On the Recognition of Speech by Machine, with George W. Hughes, Mimeographed ms. 9 pages; Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing, (UNESCO, Paris; Munich; London, 1960).

The Morphophonemics of English, with R. Jakobson, A. N. Chomsky, R. H. Abernathy, and G. H. Matthews


Review of Grundriß einer Phonetik des Deutschen mit einer allegemeinen Einführung in die Phonetik, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 33; Second copy from the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, March 1961.

Review of Richard Fatehchand’s Chapter, Machine Recognition of Spoken Words, Advances in Computers, I, Information and Control 4, pp. 88-91, 1961.

On the Role of Simplicity in Linguistic Descriptions, in American Mathematical Society Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. XII, Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects, pp. 89-94, 1961.

The Characterization of Cursive Handwriting, with Murray Eden, E. Colin Cherry (ed.) Information Theory, Papers read at a Symposium on "Information Theory" held at the Royal Institution, Butterworth & Co. London, August 29th – September 2nd 1960, pp. 287-299, 1960.


A Descriptive Convention for Treating Assimilation and Dissimilation, MIT RLE OPR, #66, pp. 295-297, 15 July 1962.

Phonology in Generative Grammar, Word Vol. 18, No. 1-2, pp. 54-72, April-August 1962; Reprinted in J. Fodor and J. Katz, (eds.), The Structure of Language Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964, pp. 334-354.

Research Objectives, with R. Jakobson, N. Chomsky, Linguistics XXII, MIT RLE Quarterly Progress Report No. 68

"Speech Sound and Sequences," Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Mouton, The Hague, pp. 428-434, 1962.


Tenseness and Laxness, in R. Jakobson, Selected Writings I Mouton, The Hague, 1962, pp. 550-555. Also in D. Abercrombie et al (eds.), In Honor of Daniel Jones, Longmans, London, 1964, pp. 96-101. Also in 5th Printing of R. Jakobson, C.G.M. Fant and M. Halle, Preliminaries to Speech Analysis MIT Press, Cambridge MA 1963.

Essay on the relation between Russian sounds and letters, The Learner's Russian-English Dictionary, MIT Press 1963, pp. 737-744

"O pravilax russkogo sprja�enija," American Contributions to the 5th International Congress of Slavists Mouton, The Hague, pp. 113-132, 1963.

"Foreword" and "Essay on the Relationship Between Russian Sounds and Letters," S. Folomkina and H. Weiser, The Learner’s English-Russian Dictionary, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1963, pp. 5-6 and 737-744. Also in B.A. Lapidus and S.V. Shetsova, The Learner’s Russian English Dictionary MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. v-vi and 681-688, 1963.

"Phonemics," in T.A. Sebeok (ed.) Current Trends in Linguistics, Vol. 1: Soviet and East European Linguistics Mouton, The Hague, pp. 5-19, 1963. (14 pages)


Review of Claes-Christian Elert, Phonologic Studies of Quantity in Swedish, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 36, pp. 24-29, 1964.; Second Copy

Speech Recognition: A Model and a Program for Research, with K. N. Stevens, I.R.E. Transactions of the P.G.I.T., Information Theory, Vol. IT-8, No. 2, pp. 155-159, 1962. Reprinted in Katz and Fodor (eds.), The Structure of Language, 1964.

"The Term ‘Canaan’ in Mediaeval Hebrew," with Roman Jakobson, For Max Weinreich on his 70th Birthday, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 147-172, 1964.

Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 1 No. 1, 1965, pp. 1-3.


"Akan’e: The Treatment of Unstressed Nondiffuse Vowels in Southern Great Russian Dialects," Symbolae Linguisticae in Honorem Georgii Kuryłowicz, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow, Poland, pp. 103-109, 1965.

Some Controversial Questions in Phonological Theory, with Noam Chomsky, Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 97-138, October 1965.


Survey of Latvian Morphophonemics, with Valdis J. Zeps, MIT RLE Quarterly Progress Report of the Research Laboratory of Electronics No. 83, pp. l05-ll3, 15 October 1966.

On the Metrics of Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry, MIT RLE Quarterly Progress Report of the Research Laboratory of Electronics No. 83, pp. l13-ll6, October 1966.

Chaucer and the Study of Prosody, with Samuel J. Keyser, College English Vol. 28, pp. 187-219, December 1966.

Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 2 No. 1, 1966, pp. 1-2.


On the Modern Study of Speech Sounds, International Social Science Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 1, pp. 17-27, 1967.

"Remarks on Analysis by Synthesis and Distinctive Features," with K.N. Stevens, Welant Wathen-Dunn (ed.), Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 88-102, 1967. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Data Sciences Laboratory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, November 11-14 1964.

Les changements phonétiques conçus comme changements de règles, with Samuel Jay Keyser, La Phonologie Générative, Sanford Schane (ed.), Language, No. 8, pp. 94-111, December 1967.

Place de la phonologie dans la grammaire generative, La Phonologie Générative, Sanford Schane (ed.), Language, No. 8, pp. 13-36, 1967

Review of John Hart’s works on English orthography and pronunciation, 1551, 1569, 1570: Part II, Phonology, with Samuel Jay Keyser, Language, Vol. 43, No. 3, edited by Bror Danielsson, pp. 773-787, September 1967. (Earlier version #48.)


"What We Do When We Speak," P.A. Kolers and M. Eden, (eds.), with Samuel Kay Keyser, Recognizing Patterns: Studies in Living and Automatic Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp.63-80, 1968.

Sound Pattern of English, with Noam Chomsky, Harper and Row, New York 1968.

Zirmunskij’s Theory of Verse: A Review Article, The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. XII, No. 2, pp. 213-218, 1968.

Some Thoughts on Spelling, K.S. Goodman and J. T. Fleming, (eds.), Psycholinguistics and the Teaching of Reading, International Reading Association, Newark, DE, 1969), pp. 17-24.

Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 4 No. 4, 1968, p. 337.


How Not to Measure Length of Lexical Representations and Other Matters, Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 305-308, October 1969.

An Instance of Linguistic Rules, (summary of a lecture), D. Ploog (Chairman) and T. Melnechuk, Primate Communication: A Report Based on an NRP Work Session, Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 483-485, November 1969.

Impressions of Japan and Japanese, An Interview of Dr. Morris Halle with Shigeo Kawamoto, The Study of English, Kenkyusha Publishing Co. Vol. 58, No. 10, October Issue, pp. 4-11, 1969.

Speech Communication, On the Feature ‘Advanced Tongue Root’, with K. N. Stevens, MIT R.L.E. Quarterly Progress Report No. 94, pp. 209-215, 15 July 1969.

Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 5 No. 1, 1969, p. 1.


Is Kabardian a Vowel-less Language?, Foundations of Language No. 6, International Journal of Language and Philosophy, D. Reidel Publishing Co. Vol. 6, pp. 95-103, 1970.

Markedness, Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences, Prague, pp. 61-72, 1970.

A Note on the Accentual Patterns of the Russian Nominal Declension, R. Jakobson and S. Kawamoto, (eds.), Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics, TEC Company, Ltd. Tokyo, pp. 167-174, 1970.

On Meter and Prosody, M. Bierwisch and K.E. Heidolph (eds.), Progress in Linguistics: A Collection of Papers, De Gruyter, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 64-80, 1970.

What is Meter Poetry?, Sciences of Language No. 2, November 1970, The Journal of the Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies of Language, Vol. 2, pp. 123-138, November 1970.

A Survey of Modern English Accentuation, Summary of Lectures by Professor Halle, Sciences of Language, The Journal of the Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies of Language, No. 2, pp. 139-159, November 1970.


Remarks on Slavic Accentology, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-19, 1971.

"Frontiers of Linguistic Theory," Linguistics in the 1970’s, (Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington D.C., 1971), pp. 29-40, 1971.

"English Stress: Its Form, Its Growth and Its Role in Verse", with Samuel Jay Keyser, Harper and Row, New York, pp. 206, 1971.

A Note on Laryngeal Features, IX. Speech Communication, D. with K. N. Stevens, MIT R.L.E. Quarterly Progress Report, No. 101, pp. 198-213, April 15, 1971.

A Minor Accentual Rule of Contemporary Standard Russian, R. Jakobson, L.L. Hammerich et. al. (eds.), form & substance, Phonetic and Linguistic Papers, Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, pp. 211-217, February 11th 1971.

Illustration and Defense of a Theory of the Iambic Pentameter, with Samuel Jay Keyser, College English, pp. 154-176, November 1971.

"Outline of the accentuation in inflectional paradigms of literary Lithuanian with an appendix on the accentuation of nominal derivatives," with V. J. Zeps, MIT R.L.E. Quarterly Progress Report No. 103, pp. 139-158, October 15, 1971.

Word Boundaries as Environments in Rules, Linguistic Inquiry Vol. 2, pp. 540-541, Fall 1971.


"On Phonetic Features," with K.N. Stevens, in Conference Record, Proceedings of the 1972 Conference on Speech Communication and Proceeding, Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, pp. 194-197, April 1972.

"On a parallel between conventions of versification and orthography; and on literacy among the Cherokee; A Discussion of Mattingly’s Paper," J.F. Kavanagh and I.G. Mattingly, (eds.), Language by Ear and by Eye: The Relationship Between Speech and Reading, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 149-154, 1972.

Entretien de Morris Halle avec Jean Paris, MIT, 11 Mai 1970, R. Jakbson et. al., Hypothèses: Trois entretiens et trois études sur la linguistique et la poétique, Editions Seghers/Laffont, Paris, pp. 51-61, 1972.

Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 8, No. 1, January 1972, p. 1.

English III. The Iambic Pentameter, with Samuel Jay Keyser, W.K. Wimsatt (ed.), Versification: Major Language Types, New York University Press, New York, 1972, pp. 217-237. (German Translation in Jens Ihwe, (ed.), Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik III Athenäum Verlag, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1972, pp. 86-107).

Theoretical issues in Phonology in the 1970’s, André Rigault and René Charbonneau (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Montreal and McGill University, 22-28 August 1971, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 179-205, 1972.

Comment on K.N. Stevens ‘Sources of Inter- and Intra-Speaker Variability,’" A. Rigault and R. Charbonneau, (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Montreal and McGill University, 22-28 August 1971, Mouton, The Hague, pp. 231-232, 1972.


Editorial, Foundations of Language Vol. 10, No. 4, 1973, p. 491

Prolegomena to a Theory of Word Formation, Linguistic Inquiry Volume. IV, No. 1, pp. 3-16, Winter 1973.

The Accentuation of Russian Words, Language, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 312-348, June 1973.

Stress Rules in English: A New Version, Linguistic Inquiry Vol. VI, No. 4, pp. 451-464, Fall 1973.

Review of Peter Ladefoged, Preliminaries to Linguistic Phonetics, Language Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 926-934, December 1973.


Morphology in a Generative Grammar, L. Heilmann, (ed.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Linguists, Mulino, Bologna-Florence, August 28 – September 2, 1972, Società editrice il Mulino Bologna, pp. 695-704. (Revised version of 73). 1974.


Confessio grammatici, Language Vol. 51 No. 3, pp. 525-535, 1975.

Sur les Bases Théoriques de la Poésie Métrique: Le Shift sur L’Arabe Calssique et Autres Exemples, with Samuel Jay Keyser, J.P. Faye (ed.), Change de Forme 1: Biologies et Prosodies, Collection 10-18 Union générale d’éditions, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-La-Salle, Paris, pp. 94-135, 1975.

On Russian Accentuation, Slavic and Eastern European Journal Vol. 19, No. 1 Spring 1975, AATSEEL, pp. 104-111, 1975.


Roman Jakobson’s Contribution to the Modern Study of Speech Sounds, Sound, Sign and Meaning – Michigan Slavic Contribution No. 6, Department of Slavic Languages, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1976, pp. 79-100; also in D. Armstrong and C.H. van Schooneveld, (eds.), Roman Jakobson – Echoes of his Scholarship, P. deRidder Press, Lisse, 1977, pp. 123-144, 1976.

Metrics, English text, with Samuel J. Keyser, to be published in Italian translation in Enciclopedia Einaudi Torino, August 1976 45 pages


Language and Communication, A.C. Clarke et. al. (ed.), The Telephone’s First Century and Beyond: Essays on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Telephone Communication, Thomas Y. Cromwell Company, New York, pp. 37-59, 1977.

Towards a Reconstruction of the Indo-European Accent, with Paul Kiparsky, L. Hyman, (ed.), Studies in Stress and Accent – Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics No. 4, Los Angeles: USC Department of Linguistics, pp. 209-238, 1977.

Review of S. Singh, Distinctive Features: Theory and Validation, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 801-802, September 1977.

Tenseness, Vowel Shift and the Phonology of Back Vowels in Modern English," Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 611-625, Fall 1977.

"Further Thoughts on Kasem Nominals," Linguistic Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 167-185, 1978.


Comment on S. Singh’s rejoinder to the review of his Distinctive Features: Theory and Validation, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Vol. 63, pp. 277-278, 1978.

Preface and Knowledge Unlearned and Untaught, M. Halle, J. Bresnan, and G.A. Miller (eds.), Linguistic Theory and Psychological Reality MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. xi-xv and pp. 294-303, revised version of No. 86-87.

Roman Jakobson, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Biographical Supplement, Vol. 18 The Free Press, New York, 1979, pp. 335-340. Also original text, 16 pages, March 1978.

Formal vs. Functional Considerations in Phonology, B.B. Kachru, (ed.), Linguistics in the Seventies: Directions and Processes: Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 2, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana, pp. 123-134, Fall 1978.


Fonética, Enciclopedia, Vol. VI: Famiglia-Ideologia, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 288-313, 1979. Also, "Phonetics," English Text, pp. 49, 1979.

Some Reflections on the Theoretical Bases of Phonetics, with K. N. Stevens, B. Lindbolm and S. Ohman, (eds.), Frontiers in Speech Communication Research, Academic Press, London, pp. 335-349, 1979.

Observations on the Controversy of the Exceptionless Functioning of the Sound Laws, G. Bedell, E. Kobayashi, M. Muraki, (eds.), Explorations in Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Kazuko Inoue, Kenkyusha, Tokyo, pp. 113-124, 1979.

Preface to MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 1, 1979.

Formal vs. Functional Considerations in Phonology, Preliminary Version, 25 pages

Formal vs. Functional Considerations in Phonology, B. Brogyanyi, (ed.), Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science IV, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory Vol. 11, Festschrift for Oswald Szemerényi on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Amsterdam-John Benjamins B.V. pp. 325-341, 1979.

Internal Constituent Structure and Accent in Russian Words, Folia Slavica Vol. 3 No. 1-2, (Festschrift for Horace Lunt), Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 128-153


Métrica, with Samuel J. Keyser, Enciclopedia, Vol. 9: Mente-Operazioni, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 253-284, 1980.

Three Dimensional Phonology, with Jean-Roger Vergnaud, Journal of Linguistic Research Vol. 1, pp. 83-105, 1980.

The Rules of Language, Technology Review, Vol. 83 No. 7, June/July 1980, MIT pp.54-62 (edited version of the James R. Killian lectures, MIT, 1979.)

The Rules of Language, corrected version, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Vol. PC-23 No. 4, Word Processing, IEEE Professional Communication Society, pp. 184-189, December 1980.


Harmony Processes, with Jean-Roger Vergnaud, W. Klein and W. Levelt (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 1-22, 1981.

Review of Paul Garde, Histoire de l’accentuation slave, with Paul Kiparsky, Language Vol. 57, pp. 150-181, 1981.

Preface to MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, with J. Aoun and H. Borer, Vol. 3, 1981.

The Metrical Structure of Psalm 137, with John J. McCarthy, Journal of Biblical Literature, Society of Biblical Literature 100/2, pp. 161-167, 1981.


On the Framework of Autosegmental Phonology, with Jean-Roger Vergnaud, H. van der Hulst and N. Smith (eds.), The Structure of Phonological Representations Part I, Linguistic Models, Foris, Dordrecht, pp. 65-82, 1982.

"On Recent Developments in the Theory of Phonology," J. Mehler, E.C.T. Walker and M. Garrett (eds.), Perspectives on Mental Representations, Vol. I, Foris, Dordrecht, pp. 39-48, 1982.

On the Relationship of Phonologic Features to Phonetic Parameters, SCAMP Working Paper No. 7/81, A.S. House (ed.), Proceedings of a Symposium on Acoustic Phonetics and Speech Modeling, Williamstown MA, June 22-July 31, 1981 Communication Research Division, institute for Defense Analysis, Princeton, NJ, pp. 1-22, 1982.


Foreword to R. Jakobson and K. Pomorska, Dialogues, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. vii-xii, 1983.

Problem Book in Phonology, with G.N. Clements, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 196, 1983.

On Distinctive Features and their Articulatory Implementation, National Language and Linguistic Theory 1, Dordrecht/Bostont, pp. 91-105

On the Origins of the Distinctive Features, M. Halle (ed.), Roman Jakobson: What He Taught Us, International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics Vol. 27 – Supplement, Slavica Publishers Inc., Columbus OH, pp. 77-86, 1983. Also "Forward" of same, on p. 5, 1983.

Introduction to A Tribute to Roman Jakobson 1896-1982, Moulton, New York", p. 5, 1983. Also Part II: "Homages and Reminiscences" of same, pp. 72-75, in 1983.


"Metrical Exercises (Translations of Poems by Derzavin, Tjutcev and Majakovskij)," M. Halle et. al. (eds.), Semiosis – Semiotics, and the History of Culture in Honorem Georgil Lotman - Michigan Slavic Contributions #10, pp. 357-358, 1984.

Remarks on the Scientific Revolution in Linguistics 1926-1929, first presented at the First Roman Jakobson Colloquium October 5, 1984, (original English text, 12 pages); "Remarks on the Scientific Revolution in Linguistics 1926-1929," Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 61-77, Fall 1985; Also published in K. Pomorska, E. Chodakowska, H. McLean, B. Vine (eds.), Language, Poetry and Poetics, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 95-111, 1987; French Translation: Remarques sur la revolution scientifique en phonologie 1926/1930, Actes De La Recherche en sciences sociales, Vol. 70, pp. 89-96, September 1988.

Grids and Trees in Metrical Phonology, W. U. Dressler, H. C. Luschützky, O. E. Pfeiffer, and J. R. Rennison, eds., Phonologica 1984, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 79-93, 1984.


Segmental Phonology of Modern English, with K. P. Mohanan, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 16, No. 1, Winter 1985, pp. 57-116, 1985.

Speculations about the Representation of Words in Memory, V. A. Fromkin (ed.), Phonetic Linguistics Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, Florida, pp. 101-114, 1985.


On the Relationship of Phonology and Phonetics, with Sylvain Bromberger, J. S. Perkell and D. H. Klatt (eds.), Invariance and Variability in Speech Processes, L. Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ, pp. 510-520, 1986.

Wasow on Scientific Linguistics, with James Higginbotham, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2, Springer, pp. 291-294, May 1986.


Stress and Cycle, with Jean-Roger Vergnaud, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 45-84, Winter 1987.

The Morphophonemics of Latvian Declensions, Robert Channon and Linda Shockey, (eds.), In Honor of Ilse Lehiste: Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, pp. 375-379, 1987.

An Essay on Stress MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 300, 1987.

A Biblical Pattern Poem, N. Fabb, D. Attridge, A. Durant, & C. MacCabe (eds.), The Linguistics of Writing, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 67-75, 1987.

Preface to MIT Working Papers in Linguistics No. 9, M.A. Browning, Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, Elizabeth Ritter, (eds.), pp. 3, 1987.


The imminent form of phonemes, William Hirst (ed.), The Making of Cognitive Science: Essays in Honor of George A. Miller, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 167-183, 1988. Plus pp. 4 post-script cut from the published article, pp. 37-40.

Discussion Notes, Some Major Features of the International Phonetic Alphabet, with Peter Ladefoged, Language Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 577-582, 1988.

N. S. Troubetzkoy et les origines de la phonologie moderne, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure No. 42, Librairie Droz, French text, pp. 5-22, 1988.

Discussion Notes: The Bloomfield-Jokobson Correspondence, 1944-1946, Language Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 737-754, 1988.


Why Phonology is Different, with Sylvian Bromberger, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 20, No. 1, MIT Press, pp. 51-70, Winter 1989; Also in A. Kasher, (ed.), The Chomskyan Turn Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 56-77, 1991.

Addendum to Prince’s ‘Metrical Forms,’, P. Kparsky and G. Youmans, (eds.), Rhythm and Meter: Phonetics and Phonology Vol. 1, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 81-86, 1989.


On Abstract Morphemes and Their Treatment, transcript of lectures at Arizona Phonology Conference, March 31, 1989, unpublished, 22 pages

Syllable-Counting Meters and Pattern Poetry in the Old Testament, P. Wexler A. Borg, and S. Somekh, (eds.), Studia Linguistica et Orientalia Memoriae Haim Blanc Dedicata, Otto Harrassowitz Wiesbaden, pp. 110-120, 1989.

The intrinsic structure of speech sounds, unpublished, August 1989, 21 pages

On Stress Placement and Metrical Structure, C. Wiltshire, R. Graczyk, and B. Music, (eds.), Papers from the 25th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society Part One: The General Session, CLS 25, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 157-173, 1989.


Phonology, D, Osherson and H. Lasnik, (eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science, Vol. 1: Language, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 43-68, February 1990.

"Apprentissage et savoir. Quelques reflexions à propos de certains développements récents en phonologie," M. Lothaire Mots, Editions Hermes, Paris, pp. 106-120, 1990.

Respecting Metrical Structure, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol. 8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 149-176, 1990.

An Approach to Morphology, Proceedings of NELS 20, GLSA, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, I, pp. 150-84, 0.


Preface to paperback edition of Sound Pattern of English, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991.

Remarks and Replies: A Reexamination of the Stress Erasure Convention and Spanish Stress, with James W. Harris, and Jean-Roger Vergnaud, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 22, No. 1, MIT Press, pp. 141-159, Winter 1991.

The Free Element Condition and Cyclic versus Noncyclic Stress, with Michael Kenstowicz, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 22, No. 3, MIT Press, pp. 457-501, Summer 1991.

Knowledge of language and the sounds of speech, with Kenneth N. Stevens, J. Sundberg, L. Nord, and R. Carlson, (eds.), presented at the Symposium on Music, Language, Speech, and Brain, in Stockholm Sweden, September 1990, MacMillon Press, London, p. 1-19, 1991.

The Latvian Declension, G. Booij and Jaap van Marle (eds.), Yearbook of Morphology, Dordrecht-Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 33-47, 1991.

"The Postalveolar Fricatives of Polish," with Kenneth N. Stevens, MIT Speech Communication Group Working Papers, Vol. VII, pp. 77-94, November 1991. Also in S. Kiratani, H. Hirose, H. Fujisaki, (eds.), Speech Production and Language: In Honor o fOsamu Fujimura, Mouton DeGruyter, Berlin, pp. 171-194, 1997.


"Jakobson, Roman" W. Bright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York – Oxford, II, pp. 247-248, 1992.

"Phonological Features," W. Bright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York – Oxford, III, pp. 207-212, 1992.

Review of L.R. Waugh and M. Monville-Burston Roman Jakobson on Language, Language, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 182-187, 1992.

The Ontology of Phonology, with Sylvian Bromberger, S. Bromberger (ed.), On What We Know We Don’t Know: Explanation, Theory, Linguistics, and How Questions Shape Them, University of Chicago Press, pp. 209-231, 1992. Also in Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science IX, D. Prawitz, B. Skyrms, and D. Westerståhl (eds.) pp. 725-743, 1994.

"Linguistics," C. Morris (ed.), Dictionary of Science and Technology, Academic Press, San Diego, p. 1247, 1992.


Metrical Coherence in Old English without the Germanic Foot, with W. O’Neil and J. R. Vergnaud, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 24, pp. 529-539, 1993.

Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Inflection, with Alec Marantz, K. Hale and S. J. Keyser, (eds.), The View From Building 20: Linguistic Essays in Honor of Sylvian Bromberger, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 111-176, 1993.


Some Key Features of Distributed Morphology, with Alec Marantz, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 21, Papers on Phonology and Morphology, pp. 275-288, 1994.

Paper referencing "Some Key Features of Distributed Morphology," with Alec Marantz, in Papers on Phonology and Morphology, A. Carnie, H. Harley, and T. Bures, eds., MIT Press, pp. 275-288, 1994.

A Reanalysis of Indonesian Stress, with William J. Idsardi, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 21, Papers on Phonology and Morphology, pp. 1-9, 1994.

The Morphology of Numeral Phrases, S. Avrutin, S. Franks, and L. Progovac (eds.), Annual Workshop of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The MIT Meeting 1993, Ann Arbor – Michigan Slavic Publication, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp. 178-215, 1994.

General Properties of Stress and Metrical Structure, with William Idsardi, Eric Ristad (ed.), Language Computations DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, No. 17, American Math Society Press, Providence, RI, pp. 37-73, 1994. Also in John Goldsmith (ed.), The Handbook of Phonological Theory, Blackwell, Oxford-Cambridge MA, pp. 403-443, 1994.

The Russian Declension: An Illustration of the Theory of Distributed Morphology, J. Cole and C. Kisseberth (eds.), Perspectives in Phonology, CSLI Publications, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Lecture Notes No. 51, Stanford CA, pp. 29-60, 1994.

"Просодия Слова: Ударение и Акцент в Индоевропейском," Проблемы Фонетики II, Российская академия наук, Отделение языка и литературы, институт русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова, pp. 135-156, Москва 1995. Also English text, On stress and accent in IE Lecture at Yale University, November 30, 1994, 18 pages


Feature Geometry and Feature Spreading, Linguistic Inquiry, MIT Press, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1-46, Winter 1995.

"An Orally Transmitted Poem of Mayakovsky," E. Semeko-Pankratov, (ed.), Studies in Poetics: Commemorative Volume Krystyna Pomorska 1928-1986, Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 275-276, 1995.

Stress Placement in Russian Nouns, S. Karlinsky, J. L. Rice, B. P. Scherr, (eds.), O Rus! Studia litteraria slavica in honorem Hugh McLean, Berkeley Slavic Specialties, Berkeley CA, pp. 106-115, 1995.

Phonology, with Sylvian Bromberger, Encyclopedia of Phonology, 6 typed pages;

Review of Isreal Shahak Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, in Z Magazine, pp. 87-89, July/August 1995

Comments on Luigi Burzio’s ‘The rise of optimality theory,’ (GLOT 1,6), Glot International Vol. 1 Issue. 9/10, pp. 27-28, November/December 1995.


Distributed Morphology and the Inflection of Words, H. Kardela and B. Szymanek (eds.), A Festschrift for Edmund Gussmann from His Friends and Colleagues, The University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin, pp. 115-134, Lublin 1996.

Review of Jindřich Toman The Magic of a Common Language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy and the Prague Linguistic Circle, Language Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 842-847, 1996.


Some consequences of the representation of words in memory, Lingua 100, Elsevier, pp. 91-100, 1997.

On Stress and Accent in Indo-European, Language Vol. 73 No. 2, pp. 275-313, June, 1997.

The Contents of Phonological Signs: A Comparison Between Their Use in Derivational Theories and in Optimality Theories, with Sylvian Bromberger, Iggy Roca (ed.), Derivations and Constraints in Phonology, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 93-123, 1997.

r, Hypercorrection and the Elsewhere Condition, with William J. Idsardi, Iggy Roca (ed.), Derivations and Constraints in Phonology, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 331-348, 1997.

"Distributed Morphology: Impoverishment and Fission," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 30, PF Papers at the Interface, pp. 125-149, 1997. Also in J. Lecarme, J. Lowenstein, U. Shlonsky, (eds.), 2000. Research in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third Conference on Afroasiatic Language, Sophia Antipolis France, 1996. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 125-151, 1996.

"The Sounds of Speech," Part 9 of LSA Webpage The Field of Linguistics, 1997.

Metrical Verse in the Psalms, Dick van der Meij (ed.), India and Beyond: Aspects of Literature, Meaning, Ritual, and Thought, Essays in Honor of Frits Staal, Kegan Paul International with International Institute for Asian Studies: Leiden – Kegan Paul International: London, pp. 207-225, 1997.; Plus Copy.


A Response to Alan Prince’s Letter in Issue 2-6, with William Idsardi, GLOT International, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 1, and continued on 22, January 1998.

Grimm’s and Verner’s Laws: A New Perspective, with Andrea Calabrese, Mír Curad Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert and L. Oliver, (eds.), MÍR CURAD Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins – Innsbruck Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschraft, pp. 47-62, 1998.

Theoretical Aspects of Indo-European Nominal Morphology: The Nominal Declension of Latin and Armenian, with Bert Vaux, J. Jasanoff, C. Melchert and L. Oliver, (eds.), MÍR CURAD Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins – Innsbruck Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschraft, pp. 223-240, 1998.

The Stress of English Words 1968-1998, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 539-568, Fall 1998.


Jakobson, Roman, R.A. Wilson and F. Keil, (eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp. 421-422, 1999.

Stress, Linguistic, R.A. Wilson and F. Keil, (eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp. 808-810, 1999.

Rooms to Grow In, Preservation, Vol. 51 No. 5, September-October, pp. 48-54, 1999.

On Meter in General and Robert Frost’s Loose Iambics in Particular, with Samuel Jay Keyser, M. Muraki and E. Iwamoto, (eds.), Linguistics: In Search of the Human Mind Kaitakusha: Tokyo, pp. 130-154, 1999.


Review of Steven Pinker Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 287, p. 289, July 2000.

Linguistics at MIT: a personal view on how it all began, Soundings, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 50th Anniversary Celebration, MIT, p. 9, Fall 2000.

On Feature Spreading and the Representation of Place of Articulation, with Bert Vaux and Andrew Wolfe, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 387-444, Summer 2000.

Stress and length in Hixkaryana, with William J. Idsardi, The Linguistic Review 17, pp. 199-218, 2000.


Infixation versus Onset Metathesis in Tagalog, Chamorro, and Toba Batak, Michael Kenstowicz, (ed.), Ken Hale: A Life in Language, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp. 153-168, 2001.

On Accent, Stress and Quantity in West Slavic, Lingua 111, pp. 791-810, 2001.

"[back] Assimilation – an Overview," with Ora Matushansky, in MITWPL, Vol. 42, pp. 69-80, 2001.


From Memory to Speech and Back: Papers on Phonetics and Phonology 1954-2002. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin 2002. Includes Introduction, pp. 1-17, written especially for the volume.


Verner’s Law, in Takeru Homma, Masao Okazaki, Toshiyuki Tabata and Shin-ichi Tanaka, (eds.), A New Century of Phonology and Phonological Theory: A Festschrift for Professor Shosuke Haraguchi on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday Kaitakusha: Tokyo, pp. 155-172, 2003.


Russian Verbal Inflection (Preliminary Notes), Ora Matushansky, GDR de morphologie 28 juin 2004.


Palatalization/Velar Softening: What It Is and What It Tells Us about the Nature of Language, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 36, pp. 23-41, 2005.

Unexpected Plural Inflections in Spanish: Reduplication and Metathesis, with James Harris, Linguistic Inquiry Vol. 36, pp. 195-222, 2005.

On the Status of Stems in Morphological Theory, with David Embick, in Twan Geerts, Ivo van Ginneken, and Haike Jacobs, (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, J. Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 37-62, 2005.


Metrical Complexity in Christina Rossetti’s Verse, with Nigel Fabb, College Literature, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 91-114, 2006.

The Morphophonology of Russian Adjectival Inflection, with Ora Matushansky, Linguistic Inquiry Vol. 37, pp. 351-404, 2006.

Telling the Numbers: A Unified Account of Syllabo-Tonic English and Syllabic French and Polish Verse, in Research in Language, Vol. 4, pp. 7-30, 2006.


Kenneth Locke Hale 1934-2001, Biographical Memoir, with Norvin Richards, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, 2007.


Clarifying ‘Blur’: Paradigms, defaults and inflectional classes, Asaf Bachrach and Andrew Nevins, (eds.), Inflectional Identity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 55-72, 2008.

Reduplication in Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honor of J.R. Vergaud, edited by R. Freidin, Carlos Otero and Maria-Luisa Zubizaretta, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 325-357, 2008.

On Stress and Meter and on English Iambics in Particular, S. Inkelas and K. Hanson, (eds.), The Nature of the Word: Essays in Honor of Paul Kiparsky, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 5-20, 2008.


"Meter in Poetry: A New Theory," with Nigel Fabb; Review in Language Vol. 85, No. 4, Cambridge University Press, pp. 923-930, December 2009.

Two Comments on ‘The Role of Features in Phonological Inventories’, E. Raimy and C. Cairns, (eds.), Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 69-73, 2009.

Rule Application in Phonology, with Andrew Nevins, E. Raimy and C. Cairns. Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 355-382, 2009.

Pairs and Triplets: A Theory of Metrical Verse, with Nigel Fabb, Jean-Louis Aroui and Andy Arleo, (eds.), Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 167-192, 2009.


Interview: Generative phonology and other fields or approaches, 2010(?), pp. 6.


Grouping in the Stresses of Words, in Metrical Verse, and in Music, with Nigel Fabb, P. Rebuschat, M. Rohmeier, J. A. Hawkins, and I. Cross, Language and Music as Cognitive Systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 4-21, 2012.

Dylan Thomas’s meters", Of Grammar, Words, and Verses: In Honor of Carlos Piera, Esther Torrego, 2012

2012 Interview: Talking about Chyzhevskyj and Jakobson at Harvard, Taped March 10, 2008 in Cambridge MA, USA, pp. 15.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139