The City of Brockton initiated its Brownfields to Brightfields project to develop a photovoltaic array as a "Solar Energy Park" as a sustainable brownfields redevelopment strategy with the following goals and objectives.
1. Redevelop brownfields in an environmentally friendly manner
2. Develop a new local clean energy source for City use
3. Expand the City tax base
4. Enhance Brockton's image -- "Cleaner and Greener"
5. "Brockton Solar Champions" concept -- build on "City of Champions" logo by making Brockton first in the state in installed PV.
6. Attract PV manufacturer to Brockton. About the Grove Street Site
Why a Solar Brightfield?
Project Goals and Objectives
Project Partners
Project Steps and Timeline
Barriers Encountered and Methods for Overcoming Barriers
Phase I Proposal from Global Solar Team
Lessons Learned