Brockton: City of Champions
The Brightfields initiative has involved a number of partners.
City of Brockton: Lead Partner, John T. Yunits, Jr. Mayor , Brockton City Council, Office of the City Planner, Department of Public Works, Finance Department, Law Department, Assessor's Office, Procurement Office
Funding Agency Partners:
MTC, Renewable Energy Trust, US DOE, US EPA
Feasibility Study/Predevelopment:
Bay State Gas Company, Brockton 21 st Century Corporation, KEMA-XENERGY, Spire Corporation (feasibility only)
Million Solar Roofs Partnership (above, plus)
Brockton Interfaith Community, Brockton Public Schools, Brockton Rox, Massachusetts Electric Company, Metro South Chamber of Commerce, Rockland Trust Company
State Delegation: Senator Robert Creedon, Representative Christine Canavan, Representative Geraldine Creedon, Representative Thomas Kennedy
Federal Delegation: Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Representative Stephen Lynch
About the Grove Street Site
Why a Solar Brightfield?
Project Goals and Objectives
Project Partners
Project Steps and Timeline
Barriers Encountered and Methods for Overcoming Barriers
Phase I Proposal from Global Solar Team
Lessons Learned