Brockton Brightfield Partners


Brockton: City of Champions

The Brightfields initiative has involved a number of partners.

•  City of Brockton: Lead Partner, John T. Yunits, Jr. Mayor , Brockton City Council, Office of the City Planner, Department of Public Works, Finance Department, Law Department, Assessor's Office, Procurement Office

•  Funding Agency Partners:

•  MTC, Renewable Energy Trust, US DOE, US EPA

•  Feasibility Study/Predevelopment:

•  Bay State Gas Company, Brockton 21 st Century Corporation, KEMA-XENERGY, Spire Corporation (feasibility only)

•  Million Solar Roofs Partnership (above, plus)

•  Brockton Interfaith Community, Brockton Public Schools, Brockton Rox, Massachusetts Electric Company, Metro South Chamber of Commerce, Rockland Trust Company

•  Legislative:

State Delegation: Senator Robert Creedon, Representative Christine Canavan, Representative Geraldine Creedon, Representative Thomas Kennedy

Federal Delegation: Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Representative Stephen Lynch

About the Grove Street Site

Why a Solar Brightfield?

Project Goals and Objectives

Project Partners

Project Steps and Timeline

Barriers Encountered and Methods for Overcoming Barriers

Phase I Proposal from Global Solar Team

Lessons Learned