September 21
Christos Papadimitriou
Associate Chair of Computer Science
University of California at Berkeley
The Complexity of Multiobjective Optimization
September 28
Markos Papageorgiou
Professor and Director of the Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory
Technical University of Crete
Feedback Approaches to Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Route Guidance
October 5
L.D. Servi
Senior Principal Member
Verizon Communications
Very Fast Algorithmic Solutions to Multi-Dimensional Birth-Death Telecommunication Models
October 12
John Little
Institute Professor
The World Is Coming Our Way - OR/MS Opportunities in e-Commerce
October 19
Steve Wright
Senior Computer scientist
Argonne National Laboratory
Stochastic Optimization on Computational Grids
October 26
M. Elisabeth Pate-Cornell
Burt and Deedee McMurtry Professor, School of Engineering
Stanford University
Faster Cheaper Optimization of the Management of Space Programs of Interdependent Projects
November 2
David Simchi-Levi
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Flexible Pricing Strategies to Improve Supply Chain Performance
November 16
Santosh Vempala
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Efficient Algorithms for Universal Portfolios
November 30
Anton Kleywegt
Assistant Professor, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Revenue Management Models for the Sea Cargo Industry
December 7
Lisa Fleischer
Carnegie Mellon University
A Combinatorial, Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Submodular Function Minimization