Useful Datasheets

Welcome! Please note that some parts (e.g. LM555) on this page are included as an "abridged" datasheet and as a "full" datasheet.

The "abridged" datasheets should include the necessary information for gaining basic insight into a part's function.

The "full" datasheets are what the part manufacturer (e.g. Texas Instruments) currently publishes as the datasheet file for a given part and may prove useful.

You are welcome to reference either datasheet, although we recommend you use the "abridged" datasheet first :D

Lab 1

Lab 2

  • 74HC14 - Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs

Lab 3

Lab 4

Lab 5

  • 74HC14 - Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs
  • 74LS90 - Decade and Binary Counter
  • 74LS47N - BCD-to-Seven-Segment Decoder/Driver
  • 74LS163 - 4-Bit Binary Counter
  • 74LS138 - 3-Line to 8-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer

Lab 6

Lab 7

  • 74HC14 - Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs
  • 74LS163 - 4-Bit Binary Counter

Lab 8

Labs 9+ (PSoC Board)

General PSoC Information

PSoC 5LP Evaluation Board

PSoC 5LP Design Files from Cypress

Laboratory Exercises

  • Class Demo - Professor Leeb's PSoC Creator project lecture demo with the PSoC 5LP Board.
  • My First Project - PSoC Creator project for your mobile robot