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Glossary: L

Legacy System
A hardware or software system, which is considered, outdated, either because of obsolete hardware or an older user interface.
Life Cycle
The period of time that starts when a product is conceived and ends when the product is no longer available for use.
Line Item Display
On a transaction page, the display of a record set as a tabular list of line items (or records).
A button, image, or hyperlink on a web page that allows users to move to another page or navigate through a set of pages or web sites.
Link Rot
Invalid links as a result of web sites frequently moving to new addresses.
List Box (GUI Design)
A control that allows the user to select from a predefined list of choices and also enter text.
Look and Feel
The appearance (look) and interactive style (feel) of software with a particular platform or application that defines the aesthetics and values of that application and how users subjectively respond to it.
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