Living Areas

Freshman Ghetto
Suite 433
Fourth HNC
Third HNC
Pages from Previous Years:


Class of 2012

Class of 2011
(Kids these days don't know a damn thing about the Internet.)

Class of 2010
José Chaparro
Keri Garel
Hanna Mendes Levitin
Fanny Frausto

Class of 2009
Jim Hollenbach
Sari Canelake

Rob Morrison
Chris Avrich (cda)

Class of 2008:
Bryan Newbold
Jessica Barber
Allison Berke
Elisabeth Lex
Dennis V. Perepelitsa

Class of 2007:
Michelle Fogersonshe was hot. i'd have hit it.
Madeleine Sheldon-Dante
Dan Ring
Chris Bisignani
Gheorghe Chistol
Elleard Heffern

Class of 2006:
Mariana Baca
Tess Diduch
Bryan Haddon
Bartal Poulsen
Bill Andrews
Beth Sievert
Usman Akeju - what a chap!
Heather Knight
Priscilla Graeff

Class of 2005:
Evelyn Eastmond
Clint Lohse - likes cold, uncooked oatmeal
Brian Mullins
Naomi Munroe - has a twin sister
Dumitru Daniliuc
Jessica Rosenkrantz
Alice Yao - shrieks loudly when excited

Class of 2004:
Elizabeth Boyle - Recycling Woman!!!
Sandra Chung
Jaqueline Felton - stars in Gilbert and Sullivan shows
Naomi Kohen
Dan Mcanulty - keeps a lot of little fishes in an tank with no plants or anything. Just water.
Atanas Pavlov
Meena Shah

Class of 2003:
James Barnthouse - i don't know him, but i'm sure he's a nice boy.
Mike Brown - likes cranberry juice and strange ocean creatures
Sherri Davidoff 
Jon Goler 
Dan Katz - sings in the shower
Maitland Lederer - gets stopped by guys with a "ragamuffin" fetish
Charisse L. Massay - will be famous
David Morales 
Meredith Peck 
Kalin Rahnev 
Colette Salyk - goofball who likes softball
Malima Wolf - grew up on a houseboat