Senior house has had a long, colorful history. But don't let saggy old people tell you it was better back in the day... they're just bitter.
People have taken a number of random stabs at compiling mural galleries and writen histories, so our great, great, starved and emanciated grandchildren can look back and see the sad lives we lived during college while we still had running water and a breathable atmosphere. Because we know everybody wants to hear about our college excapades. Here are a few of the motley attempts at reliving the magic:
- Sport Death: the wickid hahdcore motto
- Senior House Mural Scanning Project
- Murals from Before the Renovations
- The Runkle Standard Roar
- The Sport Death Protest Hack
- Haus Chronology
- Pictures from Jim Gallegos
- Pictures from Paco
- Doom II/Murals project
- Steer Roast History: Fact or Fiction?
- Sport Death logo (svg)
- Sport death is the de facto motto of senior house, along with "only life can kill you". It came from a hunter thompson novel. "that's about all there is to it"
- composite photos of a few awesome murals.
- a walk-through of the haus. Unfortunately, many of the photos have been taken down. There are some really cool ones there if you keep clicking.
- a publication from the '80s.
- a chronology of the Haus since it was built. DEFINATIVE.
- The website of a class project that documented a bunch of murals and made a mod for Doom II so you can run around the house and kill people. Apparently intended to document the house just before the renovations. Ask Rob Morrison about it.
- Steer Roast is an integral part of Senior Haus Cult-ure
- From werbos. Get it tatooed on your eyelids for brownie points.