The Anna Grace Robinson Photo Gallery, Page 1

...added 6/11/2002

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Anna was born at 6:53pm on Saturday June 8, 2002 at the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts after 26.5 hours of labor (depending on when you start counting). She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. By anyone's standards, both mother and baby did an incredibly good job at getting through the birth and staying healthy. The doctors and nurses said Jamie is one of the best pushers they've seen. Pushing only lasted 1 hour, which is darn fast for a first-time mom with an epidural. Anna came 15 days before her due date, but to say she is suffering no ill consequences of her early arrival would be a major understatement. Since Jamie's blood pressure and some blood counts were up at our regular checkup on Thursday, we all decided labor should be induced: first with a little cytotec on Friday afternoon, then pitosin early Saturday morning, and then the old water-rupturing on Saturday afternoon (after which Jamie went from 3cm to 10cm in less than 3 hours, OUCH!).

So, these are the pictures we took to archive the whole exciting process. We hope you enjoy seeing them as much as we enjoyed living them. Just click on the cropped thumbnails below to see the full image.


The Robinson Family.

Growing Up

Where's Anna? She's somewhere in these pictures!
February 10, 2002; 21 weeks. May 4, 2002 (Steer Roast); 33 weeks. A beautiful day in Cambridge. June 1, 2002; 37 weeks. Posing like a movie star.

Waiting It Out

We head into BWH and get checked out. Everyone decides that it's not helping the baby to stay in anymore, so let's start labor! We switch rooms a few times; we try to get some sleep. Jamie reads a book, Sean does physics.
Jamie waits in Labor Triage. Sean waits, too. Jamie puts her feet up in our ante-labor room.
Jamie tries to eat breakfast in our first labor room. We switch to our final labor room, since some neo-hippies wanted to use the birthing bath in our first one. We like this room better, anyway.

Almost Time!

Things start to move quickly now and everything gets a lot more hectic and painful.
Sean dresses up like the anesthesiologist, aka "The Candyman" Dr. Liau figures out what's up.

A Gooey New Baby Girl!

Wonderful, no? Nice conehead. Doctor says, "That's the healthiest cord I've ever seen."
7 pounds 6 ounces of pudge. Nurse Donna gets her swaddle on.

We decide we like her

Much to our surprise, our baby girl is actually quite beautiful. And we find that we don't have to do much to make each other happy.

Resting after a long day

We're pretty exhausted after all that's happened.
Daddy and Anna take a nap. This image is judiciously cropped to protect us from the Internet Police. By the way, she really is this cute in person.
Anna gets her first lesson in quantum gravity. She doesn't pay any attention. LIKES: being swaddled. DISLIKES: not being swaddled. Her personality isn't too hard to figure out at this point.

Grandparents come to visit.

We're all recovering, and a few special visitors make for yet more smiles.
Grammy Mo and Grampy Jimbo are trying to figure out what this all means. Great-Granma Robinson, Grammy Mo, and Granny Joanny meet the new girl.

Time to go home!

Anna's got her party clothes on, and she's ready to see what the world has to offer.
"Let's blow this pop stand!"

Finally home.

Monday, noonish. The new family finally arrives back at their apartment, together.
Anna tries out her new crib.