The Anna Grace Robinson Photo Gallery, Page 4

...added 8/01/2002

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Going To a Wedding!

July 13th: Anna's first Big Day Out, at Kim and Shaun Robinson's wedding.
Mom, Dad, and Baby Anna gets a dance with Grampa Jimbo... ...and now she gets one with her grandmother.

So Tired.

We all take some naps.

Six Weeks Old, Getting wild.

Anna dresses up like a...ummm, a something...Argentine bunny wrangler?
"Yeee-haw! Get on, you bunnies!"

Special Visit.

The family drives up to Dedham to visit Anna's Great-Great-Aunt Mary Brown and Great-Great-Uncle Joe Corey.
Aunt Mary and Anna Aunt Mary, Uncle Joe, Anna,
and Sittoo.

Aunt Lisa comes to visit

Lisa and Anna Anna, Mom, and Aunt Lisa