The Anna Grace Robinson Photo Gallery, Page 7

...added 7/07/2003

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It's been a busy 7 months, or so, since my last update. We had a back-log of over a hundred pictures to sift through, and we filtered it down to these 25. We tried to make sure we picked a good selection of pictures from every month, so that you can see what Anna was like as she was growing up this year. Now that Anna is a big one-year-old, she's walking all over the place and is a lot harder to capture with the camera.


Click on the cropped thumbnails below to see the full image.

December, 6 months old.

Happy clean baby. Happy dirty baby.
"Why is Daddy always so tired?"

Christmas Day

Anna's first Christmas saw our little family travelling to five different family venues. Oh, Holy night!
Does Anna love her new teddy?
We can't tell.
Anna and Uncle Doug open

January, 7 months old.

Winter is really setting in now. Little did we know that it would last until mid-June.
Mommy and Anna get ready to
play in the snow
Anna's surprised to discover that
her favorite PJs can no longer
hold back her toes.
Growing girls grow long hair to
put things in.

February, 8 months old.

In February we move into our first house. The roof leaks heavily and it won't stop raining. It really, really rains for like 4 months straight. Yay!
Moving Day!

March, 9 months old.

New big-girl pajamas.

April, 10 months old.

The new yard gets a trim.
"Hey, where'd the trees go?"

May, 11 months old.

Anna's first Steer Roast. Lobster is too expensive.

June, One year old!

We had lots of fun at Anna's Happy First Birthday party.
Birthday girl. Anna and Grandpa. "Yay, paper! My favorite!"

July, 13 months old.

Pig tails. Happy Fourth of July