The Anna Grace Robinson Photo Gallery, Page 5

...added 9/21/2002

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More Sleeping

"What is this thing on my back?"

Anna gets Baptized

August 4th, Anna's an official Catholic.
Daddy, Anna, Mommy and
Uncle Brian.
Great-Nana Walls holds the
little girl.

Granny Joanney visits.

A freshly bathed Anna gets
held by her grandmother.

The Sweetest Baby in the World

Anna wanted everyone to know how super cute she is, so she made us take this set of pictures.

Three Months Old

Now that we're all grown up we're gonna have all the fun we want!
Anna pumps up with some
Big girls can sit up by themselves.
I'll wear this crazy outfit... long as I get to be with my

Anna Loves her Daddy

These two love hanging out together, and we have the pictures to prove it.

Still the Sweetest Baby in the World

This girl just never stops with the cute act.
This is some fun... ..but so tiring

Ludwig Von Baby

Don't you wish your hair could do this?
Anna's parents think they're
pretty funny.

Bath Time!