The Anna Grace Robinson Photo Gallery, Page 6

...added 11/25/2002

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Hanging Out

Sport Baby

Anna's "Sport Death" onesie shows her MIT pride.
"Where's my tire swing?"

Playing Nice

Uncle Brian comes to visit Anna thinks someone's watching her. She's way too happy all the time, so we did this to her.

Reading Time

Anna's working hard at getting a head start on kindergarten
She's studying hard... ...but sometimes Mommy needs
to help out with the vocabulary.

At the Beach

We visit the beach in Marshfield,
where we grew up.


Sean had this costume picked out since Anna was -6 months old. It is undeniably awesome.
Where's Anna? There she is! Anna loves Halloween.

Anna lives a wild life.

Sometimes Anna just needs to bust out and be her girly self.
Bath time is butt-cheek time.
Who needs clothes when
you have keys?