October 11 |
Junichiro Kono, Rice University
Ultrafast and magneto-optical spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes |
October 25 |
Gary Wiederrecht, Argon National Laboratory
Optical spectroscopy of nanoscale plasmonic heterostructures |
November 1 |
Subra Suresh, MIT
Nanotechnology and computations at the intersections of engineering, biology and medicine |
November 8 |
John Thomas, Duke University
Atomic Fermi gases with strong interactions: Superconductors, neutron stars, and quark gluon plasmas on a desktop |
November 15 |
Stephanie Reich, MIT
Single-walled carbon nanotubes-tuning the optical properties of a nanomaterial |
November 29 |
Lene Hau, Harvard University
Shocking Bose-Einstein condensates with slow light
December 6 |
Joel Parks, Roland Institute at Harvard
Ultrafast imaging and control of plasma waves in Fermi seas |
December 13 |
Yoel Fink, MIT
Can invisible objects see? On the imaging properties of transparent photodetecting fiber webs |
TUESDAYS, 12:00-1:00, GRIER ROOM (34-401)
Refreshments served following the seminar
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Co-sponsored by the George R. Harrison
Spectroscopy Laboratory,
the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science and
the School of
Science, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.
