Seminar on Modern Optics and Spectroscopy
The Seminar on Modern Optics and Spectroscopy continues its tradition of inviting a broad spectrum of researchers to share their latest work in optics and spectroscopy.
March 2 |
Mikhail Slipchenko, Purdue University
Foray into high resolution label-free chemical imaging |
March 9 |
Daniel Turner, MIT
Investigating exciton correlations in GaAs quantum wells using COLBERT spectroscopy |
March 16 |
Andy Yun, Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital
Brillouin light scattering: The last unopened box |
March 23 |
Tom Gallagher, University of Virginia
Dipole-Dipole interactions of cold Rydberg atoms |
March 30 |
David McCamant, University of Rochester
Two dimensional femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: A new technique to probe vibrational anharmonicity |
April 6 |
Warren Warren, Duke University
Breasts and brains: Similarities and differences using Optical Imaging |
April 13 |
Stephen Doorn, Los Alamos Laboratories
Generation and application of high field THz pulses |
April 20 |
Seungeun Oh, MIT
Dye-less imaging of electrical activity in living cells using membrane electromotility |
April 27 |
19th Annual Richard C. Lord Lecture
Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT
Quantum magnetism of ultracold atoms |
May 4 |
Arthur Suits, Wayne State
Novel reaction mechanisms revealed by high-resolution ion imaging |
TUESDAYS, 12:00-1:00, GRIER ROOM (34-401)
Refreshments served following the seminar
Co-sponsored by the George R. Harrison
Spectroscopy Laboratory,
the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science and
the School of
Science, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.
