students : NEWSLETTERS 

Never got your last issue, or just can't get enough? (ummmm....) Here are the (hopefully) latest editions and electronic archives of our newsletter, which comes out once a month during the school year. Take a look through them and see what MITSWE was up to during the past years (ok, well up through 1997 at least). You need something that can read .pdf formats, such as Adobe Acrobat. Any questions? Ask Chaitra Chandrasekhar <> and Janette Fong <>, also your hard-working web masters : ). 

1998-1999 school year
April | March | February | December/November | October | September | August (special freshman issue) 

1997-1998 school year

Updated March 14, 2001

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maintained by  Chaitra Chandrasekhar and Janette Fong, 2001 webmasters
created by Arundhati Singh & Jocelyn Lin, 1999 communcations co-chairs