Introduction to the American Edition
1. Who Decides?
The central issue
The mirage of development
Autonomy and heteronomy
Networks and hierarchies
2. Pollution of Resources
Organizations and the use of resources
The imperviousness of large organizations to local and human inputs
Diseconomies and dysfunctions
The necessity of an alternative
3. The Value of Housing
What it does versus what it is
The supportive shack
The oppressive house
The issue of housing value
Housing problems restated
Values, measurement and indicators
The real problem
Monetary factors
Non-monetary factors
4. Housing Economies
Resourcefulness versus productivity
The factory worker
The government employee
A comparative evaluation
Criteria for housing economy
Productivity and resourcefulness
5. Authority Over Housing
Personal responsibility versus corporate control
Mama Elenas low-income communal household
Squatters, builders, tenement renters and project buyers
Effective, pent-up and potential demands
Needs and priorities
Complexity and control
6. Principles for Housing
The resolution of issues
Elements of action
The principle of self-government in housing
The principle of appropriate technologies of housing
The principle of planning for housing through limits
Packages and parts
The cost of packaged housing
Executive or legislative planning
7. The Practice of Housing by People
The solution of problems
Planning effective strategies
Practical policy instruments
Setting realistic policy goals
8. Participation in Housing
Whose participation in whose decisions?
The desirability of participation
Alternative forms of participation
Participation and self-help
Sponsors decide and users provide
Users decide and sponsors provide
Central planning local control
9. A Programme
Value, economy, authority
Three principles for practice
Four proposals
Four methods