Foreword by Rt. Hon. Baroness Chalker of Wallasey, former Minister of Overseas Development, United Kingdom
List of photographs, figures and tables
1. Urbanisation and slum housing in India
1.1 Population increase and urbanisation
1.2 Growth of slums
1.3 Slum living conditions
1.4 Approaches to slum improvement
1.5 General guidance for infrastructure provision in slums
2. The Slum Networking approach to urban development
2.1 Main feature of the Slum Networking approach
2.2 Physical improvements in the Slum Networking approach
roads and footpaths
storm drainage
sanitation and sewarage
water supply
earthworks and soft landscaping
street lighting
solid waste management
2.3 Community development
social aspects
economic activities/income generation
2.4 Organisation and finance
2.5 Long term project continuity
3. Slum Networking in practice
3.1 The Indore Habitat Project
Indore City profile
Information gathering
Physical improvements
Community development
City wide impact
Organisation and impelmentation
Monitoring and management
Financing and costs
3.2 Baroda - an example of increased community control
Baroda City profile
Project scope and components
Implementation framework
Phasing and costs
Ramdevnagar pilot project
3.3 Ahmedabad - an example of financial self-sufficiency
Ahmedabad City profile
Project scope and components
Project implementation
Phasing and costs
4. Replication of the Slum Networking approach
4.1 Project or process?
4.2 Opportunities for further expansion
4.3 Role of government in encouraging replication
4.4 An external perspective
5. Reference and further information
5.1 Contacts in India for further information
5.2 Building and Social Housing Foundation
5.3 Participants attending the Study Visit
5.4 Engineering drawings
Manhole details
Main sewers
Community hall
Water supply
Storm drainage