The MIT Women's Chorale

Prospective Members

Frequently Asked Questions




Are there auditions?

No. We welcome all those who’d like to sing with us. It is important though, that you can "tone match," that is, be able to sing on pitch the same note that the others around you are singing. But you don't have to have a "good" voice. Our conductor would like to meet with, not audition!, brand new singers to help place them in the vocal part that suits them best.

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Are there dues?

Yes. For each semester, dues are $25.00 for students and students' partners, and $50.00 for all others. Dues are paid at the beginning of each semester and are used primarily for music and supplies. We do ask, however, that anyone able to pay the $50.00 do so to ensure that our various costs over the year are defrayed. If the payment of dues is a problem, please see the Administrative Director.

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When and where are rehearsals?

Unless otherwise stated in the calendar, rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:15 to 9:30 P.M. in the Emma Rogers Room (10-340) at MIT.

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Can I join at any time during the season?

No, you must have attended by the 2nd rehearsal of the semester in order to join. We work hard to prepare for each concert, so a commitment to regular attendance is expected from our members.

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Are there opportunities to socialize with the other members?

Yes. While our primary focus is singing, we end each evening with conversation over light refreshments. We also hold a pot luck supper each semester. The interactions fostered by the Chorale have led to many life-long friendships.

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Where can I park? Is car pooling available?

Finding a place to park at MIT can be difficult for those without an on-campus parking permit. If riding the T is not an option, there are MIT parking lots (Hayward St., Windsor St., and E51 Tang Center) which open up to visitors after 5pm, but all involve a 5-10 minute walk to get to Building 10 where our rehearsals take place. Other options include on-street metered parking (free after 6pm and on Sunday), on-street non-metered parking on Memorial Drive, a public pay lot on the corner of Mass Ave and Vassar that is free after 2:30pm, and public pay lots in Kendall Square.

Carpooling is usually available. Please check with the Administrative Director for more information.

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What kind of music do you sing?

Our repertoire covers a wide range of styles, from medieval to contemporary, including both sacred and secular music.

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Are you an a cappella group?

We have a have a piano accompanist for rehearsals while we are learning our music, but in performance, some of our music has piano accompaniment, some has other instruments playing with us (occasionally even a small orchestra), and some is performed a cappella (without accompaniment).

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Can I keep the music that is handed out?

No. All music is on loan only and must be returned at the end of the semester.

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Do I need to be able to read music?

No, but it helps. We do sing from printed music, but if you have musical ability, and are willing to work at learning the music, you can still enjoy singing with us.

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What if I need help with learning the music?

Our rehearsals are interactive, and our conductor is happy to entertain your questions.

Each vocal part has a Part Leader. Feel free to ask her for musical help and advice.

We have started posting mp3 recordings of many of the pieces we're rehearsing, broken out into the different vocal parts. Studying these is an excellent and highly recommended way to learn your music.

If you do not read music and would like to learn, there are many websites that give you free music-reading instruction. Your Part Leader, and many of your fellow chorale members, will be glad to help with occasional music-reading questions.

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What vocal part should I sing?

Our group is divided into four vocal parts, from highest to lowest:

  • Soprano 1 (first soprano)
  • Soprano 2 (second soprano)
  • Alto 1 (first alto)
  • Alto 2 (second alto)

Try singing the part that is your best guess for part of the first rehearsal or even a week or two. If you find the music is too high or too low for you, feel free to get up and move to be seated with another part, even in the middle of a rehearsal.

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How many concerts do you give per year?

We give two concerts every year: a holiday concert in December, and a spring concert in May.

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Where are the concerts held?

The Holiday 2014 concert will be held in Harvard Square, at Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church, 1555 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge.

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Do you charge for tickets to the concerts?

No, our concerts are free of charge and open to the public.

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How do I get more information?

For more information about the MIT Women's Chorale, contact us through the MIT Women's League: 617-253-3656 or

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Contact us through the MIT Women's League:
617-253-3656 /
Last updated June 17, 2016