Available Positions
I may accept a new PhD student to start in Fall 2024 -- contact me if you are interested.
Research Group
Ishir Dutta
5th-year graduate student advised by Colette Heald, worked with me on a second generals project about nuances of the Planck Feedback.BA Colgate University (2017).
idutta (at) mit.edu
Paul Nicknish
2nd-year graduate student, working with me on a project about using energy balance models to explore glacial inception. Also interested in fire weather and climate.BA UC Berkeley (2021).
nicknish (at) mit.edu
Olivia Norman
4th-year graduate student advised by Colette Heald, worked with me on a second generals project about atmospheric microplastics.BS University of Maryland Baltimore County (2020).
onorman (at) mit.edu
Martin Velez Pardo
5th-year graduate student, working on rainfall enhancement over tropical islands and dry hurricanes.BA Universidad de los Andes (2018).
martinvp (at) mit.edu
Group Alumni
Tristan Abbott
MIT PhD 2021, Interactions between Atmospheric Deep Convection and the Surrounding EnvironmentCurrently Postdoctoral researcher at NOAA GFDL.PhD MIT (2021).
tristan.abbott (at) noaa.gov
Tom Beucler
MIT PhD 2019, Interaction between water vapor, radiation and convection in the tropics, co-advised with Kerry Emanuel. Currently Assistant Professor at the University of Lausanne.PhD MIT (2019)
tom.beucler (at) unil.ch
Leah Birch
Harvard PhD, was co-advised by Eli Tziperman and me from 2014-2017, worked on glacial inception over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Currently Atmospheric Data Scientist at Morse Corp.PhD Harvard (2017).
birch.leah (at) gmail.com
Lyssa Freese
MIT PhD 2023, Energy Policy Impacts on Air Quality, Climate Change, and Equity at the National and Global Scale. Advised by Noelle Selin, worked with me on a second generals project about Antarctic radiative forcing and climate.PhD MIT (2023).
emfreese (at) mit.edu
Daniel Koll
Former postdoctoral associate from 2017-2021, worked on coupling between clouds, convection, and atmospheric dynamics on tidally-locked rocky expolanets, and on fundamentals of radiative transfer and the runaway greenhouse. Currently assistant professor at Peking University.PhD University of Chicago (2016).
dkoll (at) pku.edu.cn
Nicholas Lutsko
Former postdoctoral associate from 2017-2019, worked on changes in precipitation efficieny in a warmer world and role of mountains on temperature variability. Currently assistant professor at Scripps.PhD Princeton University (2016).
nlutsko (at) ucsd.edu
Raphael Rousseau-Rizzi
PhD student advised by Kerry Emanuel, worked with me on a second generals project about overshooting convection near the tropopause in range of dry to moist atmospheres.PhD MIT (2021).
rrizzi (at) mit.edu
Catherine Wilka
PhD student advised by Susan Solomon, working on ozone changes in the tropical lower stratosphere. Worked with me on a second generals project with me about Lagrangian view of cold air formation.PhD MIT (2021).
cwilka (at) mit.edu