fall 2016 |
Monday, Oct. 17
6-8 pm
2-190 |
Forum: Time Traveling with James Gleick
James Gleick, author of seven books, including Chaos, Genius, and Isaac Newton
Moderator: Alan Lightman, MIT |
Thurs., Oct. 20
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: The Turn to “Tween”: An Age Category and its Cultural Consequences
Tyler Bickford, assistant professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh and author of two upcoming books on music and childhood
Meryl Alper, assistant professor of communication at Northeastern University and author of Digital Youth with Disabilities
Moderator: Marah Gubar, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 10
6-8 pm
26-100 |
Forum: An Evening with John Hodgman
John Hodgman, host of the Judge John Hodgman podcast and former resident expert for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
spring 2016 |
Thurs., Feb. 11
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Is There a Future for In-Depth Science Journalism?
Rick Berke, executive editor, STAT
Carl Zimmer, national correspondent, STAT
Rebecca Robbins, reporter, STAT
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., March 3
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Excellence in Teaching
David Thorburn, MIT Literature professor and Communications Forum director emeritus
Robert Pinsky, former US Poet Laureate
Alan Guth, MIT Weisskopf Professor of Physics
Hazel Sive, MIT Biology professor
Thurs., April 7
6-8 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Being Muslim in America (and MIT) in 2016
Nadeem Mazen Cambridge's first Muslim city councilman and CEO of the Cambridge makerspace danger!awesome.
Layle Shaikley co-founder of Wise Systems and co-founder of TEDxBaghdad.
Abubakar Abid MIT engineering masters student.
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT.
fall 2015 |
Thurs., Sept. 24
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Jim Crow and the Legacy of Segregation Outside of the South
Melissa Nobles, Kenan Sahin Dean of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, MIT
Tracey Meares, Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., Oct. 8
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: From the Neolithic Era to the Apocalypse: How to Prepare for the Future by Studying the Past
Charles C. Mann, author, most recently, of the New York Times bestseller, 1493
Annalee Newitz, editor-in-chief of Gizmodo.com and founding editor of io9.com
Moderator: Tom Levenson, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 12
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Women in Politics: Representation and Reality
Mary Anne Marsh, political consultant, Dewey Square Group
Ellen Emerson White, author of The President's Daughter series
Moderator: Marah Gubar, MIT |
spring 2015 |
Thurs., Feb. 26
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: Women in Science: A Panel Discussion
Jessika Trancik, Assistant Professor of Energy Studies, MIT
Pardis Sabeti, Associate Professor, Center for Systems Biology, Harvard
Moderator: Rosalind Williams, MIT |
Thurs., Mar. 19
5-7 pm
Forum: Coming of Age in Dystopia: The Darkness of Young Adult Fiction
Kristin Cashore, author, Graceling
Kenneth Kidd, Professor of English, University of Texas at Austin
Moderator: Marah Gubar, MIT |
Thurs., Apr. 16
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: The Spooky Science of the Southern Reach - An Evening with Jeff VanderMeer
Jeff VanderMeer, author, City of Saints and Madmen
G. Eric Schaller, Professor of Biology, Dartmouth
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
fall 2014 |
Thurs., Oct. 9
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: Documentaries, Journalism, and the Future of Reality-Based Storytelling
Raney Aronson, deputy executive producer, FRONTLINE
Katerina Cizek, documentary director
Jason Spingarn-Koff, Op-Docs editor, The New York Times
Francesca Panetta, multimedia editor, The Guardian
Moderator: William Uricchio, MIT |
Thurs., Oct. 30
7-9 pm
32-123 |
Forum: Ultimate Truths: Comparing Science and the Humanities
James Carroll, author, Constantine's Sword and Warburg in Rome
Rebecca Goldstein, author, Plato at the Googleplex
Alan Lightman, MIT; author, Einstein's Dreams
Robert Weinberg, MIT; founding member of Whitehead Institute
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., Dec. 4
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: Making Computing Strange: Cultural Analytics and Phantasmal Media
Fox Harrell, MIT; author, Phantasmal Media
Lev Manovich, author, The Language of New Media
Moderator: Nick Montfort, MIT |
spring 2014 |
Thurs., Mar. 6
5:15 - 7:15 pm
4-370 |
Forum: Jenkins Returns
Henry Jenkins, Provost Professor, USC
In conversation with: David Thorburn, MIT |
Thurs., Apr. 3
5:15 - 7:15 pm
32-155 |
Forum: Science In Fiction
Hanya Yanagihara, author, The People in the Trees
Alan Lightman, MIT; author, Einstein's Dreams
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., Apr. 24
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: Online Annotation and the Future of Reading
Wyn Kelley, Literature, MIT
Kurt Fendt, Hyperstudio, MIT
Jeremy Dean, Education Czar, Rap Genius
Moderator: Noel Jackson, MIT |
fall 2013 |
Thurs., Sept. 12
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: The Phoenix Burns Out: Remembering a Boston Institution
Carly Carioli, Boston.com
Anita Diamant, author (The Red House, Day After Night)
Lloyd Schwartz, UMass-Boston, NPR
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., Oct. 10
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: Born Digital
John Palfrey, Phillips Academy
In conversation with: Ethan Zuckerman, MIT |
Thurs., Dec. 5
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: Long-Form Journalism: Behind the Scenes at The Atlantic
James Fallows, The Atlantic national correspondent
Corby Kummer, the Atlantic senior editor, food critic
Moderator: Tom Levenson, MIT |
spring 2013 |
Tues., Feb. 19
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: Convergence Journalism? Emerging Documentary and Multimedia Forms of News
Alexandra Garcia, Washington Post
Jason Spingarn-Koff, New York Times
Moderator: Sarah Wolozin, MIT |
Thurs., Feb. 28
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater
Forum: A Conversation with Nate Silver
Nate Silver, fivethirtyeight.com
In conversation with: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
Thurs., March 21
5-7 pm
Forum: MOOCs and the Emerging Digital Classroom
Anant Agarwal, MIT
Alison Byerly, Middlebury College (at MIT 2012-13)
Daphne Koller, Stanford University
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT |
Thurs., April 11
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: News or Entertainment? The Press in Modern Political Campaigns
Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
Mark McKinnon, political advisor
Moderator: Seth Mnookin, MIT |
May 3-5
Conference: Media in Transition 8: public media, private media
call for papers |
fall 2012 |
Thurs., Oct. 25
5-7 pm
Marlar Lounge |
Forum: Linda Gregerson: Why I Write Poems
Linda Gregerson, poet
In conversation with: David Thorburn, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 1
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: Digitizing the Culture of Print: The Digital Public Library of American and Other Urgent Projects
Robert Darnton, Harvard University Libraries
Susan Flannery, Cambridge Public Library
Moderator: Ann Wolpert, MIT Libraries |
Thurs., Nov. 8
7-9 pm [Note Time]
E51-115 (Wong Aud.) |
Forum: New Media in West Africa
Derrick Ashong, musician, band leader (Soulfège)
Colin Maclay, Berkman Center
Fadzi Makanda, iROKO Partners
Moderator: Ralph Simon, media executive
Launches Futures of Entertainment 6 conference. |
spring 2012 |
Thurs., March 15
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: The Future of the Post Office
Richard John, Columbia University
Kent Smith, U.S. Postal Service
David C. Williams, USPS Inspector General
Moderator: V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT |
Tues., March 20
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Documentary Film and New Technologies
Gerry Flahive, National Film Board of Canada
Shari Frilot, Sundance Film Festival
Ingrid Kopp, Tribeca Film Institute
Patricia R. Zimmermann, Ithaca College
Moderator: William Uricchio, MIT |
Thurs., April 5
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: Adapting Journalism to the Web
Jay Rosen, New York University
In conversation with: Ethan Zuckerman, MIT
A Knight Science Journalism event. |
Friday, May 4
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Electronic Literature and the Future of Books
Kate Hayles, Duke University
Nick Montfort, MIT
Rita Raley, UC Santa Barbara
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT
This forum concludes a day-long symposium on the future of the book. Register for free at futurebook.mit.edu. |
fall 2011
Thurs., Sept. 22
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Local News in the Digital Age
Callie Crossley, WGBH
David Dahl, Boston Globe
Adam Gaffin, Universal Hub
Moderator: Dan Kennedy, Northeastern University |
Thurs., Oct. 27
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Surveillance and Citizenship
Sandra Braman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Susan Landau, Harvard University
Marcos Novak, University of California, Santa Barbara
Moderator: Ethan Zuckerman, MIT
Co-sponsor: The Technology & Culture Forum at MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 10
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Cities and the Future of Entertainment
Eduardo Paes, Mayor, Rio de Janeiro
Parmesh Shahani, Godrej India Culture Club
Ernest James Wilson III, University of Southern California
Moderator: Mauricio Mota, The Alchemists Transmedia Storytelling Co. |
spring 2011
Thurs., Feb. 24
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: Online News: Public Sphere or Echo Chamber?
Joshua Benton, Nieman Journalism Lab, Harvard
Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern University
Moderator: Jason Spingarn-Koff, journalist and documentarian |
Tues., April 12
Begins 7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: A Conversation with Sherry Turkle
Sherry Turkle, MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT Literature |
May 13-15
Tang Center |
Conference: Media in Transition 7 unstable platforms:
the promise and peril of transition |
fall 2010
Thurs., Oct. 7
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: The Online Migration of Newspapers
David Carr, New York Times
Dan Kennedy, Northeastern University
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT |
Wed. (note day), Oct. 20, 5-7 pm
32-141 |
Forum: Humanities in the Digital Age
Alison Byerly, Middlebury College
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 4
5-7 pm
E14-633 |
Forum: Civic Media and the Law
David Ardia, Citizen Media Law Project
Daniel Schuman, Sunlight Foundation
Micah Sifry, Personal Democracy Forum |
Thurs., Nov. 18
5-7 pm
4-231 |
Forum: Communications in Slow-Moving Crises
Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica
Andrea Pitzer, Nieman Storyboard
Rosalind Williams, MIT Science, Technology, and Society
Moderator: Thomas Levenson, MIT
spring 2010
Mon., March 1
(note day)
4-6:30 pm
E51-115 |
Special Event: The Future of Civic Engagement in a Broadband-Enabled World
Eugene Huang, Federal Communications Commission
Followed by two panel discussions:
The Future of Government-Citizen Engagement; and
The Future of Digital Public Media
Co-sponsor: Center for Future Civic Media |
Thurs., March 18
5-7 pm
32-155 |
Forum: Government Transparency and Collaborative Journalism
Linda Fantin, Minnesota Public Radio
Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation
Moderator: Chris Csikszentmihalyi, MIT
Co-sponsor: Center for Future Civic Media |
Thurs., April 1
5-7 pm
3-270 |
Forum: The Gutenberg Parenthesis: Oral Tradition and Digital Technologies
Thomas Pettitt, University of Southern Denmark
Respondent: Peter Donaldson, MIT Literature
Moderator: James Paradis, MIT Writing and Humanistic Studies
Co-sponsor: Writing and Humanistic Studies |
Thurs., April 15
5-7 pm
32-155 |
Forum: Civics in Difficult Places
Ethan Zuckerman, Berkman Center, Harvard
additional speakers tba
Co-sponsor: Center for Future Civic Media |
Thurs., April 22
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Jenkins's Farewell
Henry Jenkins, USC
Moderator: William Uricchio, MIT |
Thurs., May 20
3-4:30 pm
(note time)
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Graphical Expressions of Humanistic Interpretation in Digital Environments
Johanna Drucker, UCLA
Respondents: Nick Montfort, MIT
David Small, illustrator
Moderator: Kurt Fendt, MIT
fall 2009
Thurs., Oct. 8
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Race, Politics and American Media
Juan Williams, NPR, Fox News
In conversation with
Phillip Thompson, MIT
David Thorburn, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 5
5-7 pm
32-155 |
Forum: What's New at the MIT Center for Future Civic Media?
The latest projects from the Center.
various speakers
Moderator: Chris Csikszentmihalyi, MIT |
Thurs., Nov. 12
5-7 pm
66-110 |
Forum: The Culture Beat and New Media: Arts Journalism in the Internet Era
William Marx, Theartsfuse.com, BU
Doug McLennan, Artsjournal.com
Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT |
spring 2009
Thurs., Feb. 26
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Politics and Popular Culture
Johanna Blakley, Norman Lear Center (USC)
David Carr, New York Times
Stephen Duncombe, NYU
Moderator: Henry Jenkins, MIT |
Thurs., April 2
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater |
Forum: Film Music and Digital Media
Dan Carlin, Berklee School of Music
Paul Chihara, UCLA
Moderator: Marty Marks, MIT |
Thurs., April 23
5-7 pm
E25-111 |
Forum: Global Media
Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, Univ. of Georgia
Jonathan Gray, Fordham Univ.
Aswin Punathambekar, Univ. of Michigan
Abderrahmane Sissako, African filmmaker
Moderator: Henry Jenkins, MIT |
April 24-26
E51 |
Conference: MiT6: stone and papyrus, storage and transmission |
| | fall 2008
Thurs., Sept. 25 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: The Campaign & the Media, 1
John Carroll, Boston University
Ellen Goodman, The Boston Globe
Tom Rosenstiel, Project for Excellence in Journalism
| | |
Tues., Oct. 14 (note day)
5-7 pm
4-237 |
| Forum: Literature/ History/ Biography Stephen Greenblatt, Harvard University
respondent: Diana Henderson, MIT |
| | |
Thurs., Oct. 16 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Books and Libraries in the Digital Age Robert Darnton, Harvard University Library |
| | |
Thurs., Nov. 13 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: The Campaign & the Media, 2
Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic
Cyrus Krohn, Republic National Committee eCampaign
Ian Rowe, MTV
| | spring 2008
Thurs., March 6 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Prime Time in Transition
John Romano, Third Watch, Party of Five, Hill Street Blues |
| | |
Thurs., March 13 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Global Television Eggo Muller, Utrech University Roberta Pearson, University of Nottingham William Uricchio, MIT |
| | |
Thurs., April 10 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Our World Digitized: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago Law School |
| | |
Thurs., April 24 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Youth and Civic Engagement Lance Bennett, University of Washington Ingebord Endter, MIT Center for Future Civic Media Alan Khazei, City Year |
| | fall 2007
Thurs., Sept. 20 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: What Is Civic Media? Chris Csikszentmihalyi, Media Lab Henry Jenkins, Comparative Media Studies (CMS) Beth Noveck, New York Law School Ethan Zuckerman, Berkman Center for Internet and Society |
| | |
Thurs., Oct. 4 5-7 p.m. Bartos Theater | | Forum: Collective Intelligence Karim Lakhani, Harvard Business School Thomas Malone, MIT Sloan School of Management Alex (Sandy) Pentland, MIT Media Lab |
| | |
Thurs., Nov. 8 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Games and Civic Engagement Mario Armstrong, NPR technology reporter
Ian Bogost, Persuasive Games: The Expressive power of Videogames Moderator: Eric Klopfer, MIT Teacher Education Program |
| | |
Thurs., Nov. 15 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: NBC's Heroes: From "Appointment TV " to "Engagement TV "?
Heroes producers Jesse Alexander and Mark Warshaw Moderator: Henry Jenkins, MIT Comparative Media Studies |
| | spring 2007
Thurs., Feb. 15 5-7 pm 3-270 | | Forum: Remixing Shakespeare
Peter Donaldson, MIT Diana Henderson, MIT Moderator: Mary Fuller, MIT |
| | |
Thurs., March 1 5-7 pm 3-270 | | Forum: What's New at the Media Lab? Frank Moss, MIT Media Lab Henry Jenkins, MIT CMS |
| | |
Thurs., April 5 5-7 pm 3-270 | | Forum: Evangelicals and the Media Rev. Amy McCreath, MIT Gary Schneeberger, Focus on the Family Jon Walker, Purpose Driven Life Diane Winston, USC |
| | |
April 27-29 | | Conference: MiT5: creativity, ownership and collaboration in the digital age |
| | fall 2006
Tues., Sept 19 [note day] 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: The Emergence of Citizens' Media Alex Beam, Boston Globe Ellen Foley, Wisconson State Journal Dan Gillmor, Center for Citizen Media |
| | |
Thurs., Sept. 21 5-7 pm 3-270 | | Forum: News, Information and the Wealth of Networks Yochai Benkler, Yale Law School Henry Jenkins, MIT William Uricchio, MIT |
| | |
Thurs., Oct. 5 tba Bartos Theater | | Forum: Why Newspapers Matter Jerome Armstrong, Crashing the Gate Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern Univ. Tom Rosenstiel, Project for Excellence in Journalism David Thorburn, MIT |
| | |
Thurs., Nov. 16 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: The Craft of Science Fiction Joe Haldeman, The Forever War |
| | |
| | spring 2006
Thurs., Feb. 23 2-2:30 pm Bartos Theater | | Screening: Death and the Powers Tod Machover, MIT Media Lab, presents a 15-minute fragment of his opera-in-progress on which he is collaborating with former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. Brief discussion follows the screening. |
| | |
Thurs., Feb. 23 3-3:30 pm Bartos Theater | | Screening: Death and the Powers Tod Machover, MIT Media Lab, presents a 15-minute fragment of his opera-in-progress on which he is collaborating with former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. Brief discussion follows the screening. |
| | |
Thurs., Feb. 23 5:30-7:30 pm Bartos Theater
| | Forum: A Conversation with Robert Pinsky The former poet laureate discusses his new book The Life of David and reads his poetry. [Pinsky's BU Web page] |
| | |
Wed., March 8 [note day] 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: TV's New Economics David Poltrack, CBS Television Jorge Schement, Penn. State |
| | |
Thurs., April 6 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: TV News in Transition Juju Chang, ABC News Neal Shapiro, former president, NBC News |
| | |
Thurs., April 20 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: TV's Great Writer David Milch, Deadwood, NYPD Blue, Hill Street Blues |
| | fall 2005
Thurs., Sept. 22 5-7 pm 32-155 | | Forum: The Future of the Digital Commons Nancy Kranich, former president, American Library Association Steven Pinker, Harvard University Ann Wolpert, director, MIT Libraries |
| | |
Thurs. Oct. 6 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Is Popular Culture Good for You? Steven Johnson, author Everything Bad Is Good For You Jason Mittell, Middlebury College |
| | |
Thurs., Oct. 20 5-7 pm 3-270 | | Forum: Spinners and Bloggers: Political Communications in the Digital Age Deborah Hayes, PEW Charitable Trusts
Rebecca MacKinnon, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Brian Reich, Campaign Web Review |
| | |
Thurs., Nov. 17 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | | Forum: Cell Phone Culture James Katz, Rutgers Univ. Jing Wang, MIT
| |
spring 2005
Thurs., Feb. 17
5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Election 2004 and Beyond: Did the Media Fail?
Terence Smith, PBS NewsHour Cathy Young, Boston Globe, Reason magazine |
| |
Thurs., March 31 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: What's New at the MIT Media Lab?: Technologies for the Young and the Restless
Chris Csikszentmihályi Mitchel Resnick |
| |
Thurs., April 21
5-7 pm 6-120 | |
Forum: Branding and the Urban Landscape Jon Cropper, Young & Rubicam Thomas Ryan, EMI Music North America Jesse Shapins, Yellow Arrow , Counts Media |
| |
May 6-8 | |
Conference: MiT4: the work of stories
| |
fall 2004
Thurs., Sept. 23
5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: MIT OpenCourseWare: a Status Report
Steven Lerman, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives Anne Margulies, OCW Executive Director |
| |
Thurs., Oct. 14
5-6:45 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: New Media, Old Politics?
Henry Jenkins, MIT Comparative Media Studies Garret Loporto, TrueMajority.org Joe Trippi, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
co-sponsor: The Technology & Culture Forum at MIT |
| |
Thurs., Oct. 21
5-7 pm E25-111 | |
Forum: Media Literacy: Learning and Understanding in the Digital Age
Roberto Aparici, MIT Comparative Media Studies
Robyn Quin, Edith Cowan University (Australia) Alycia Scott-Hiser, TechBoston Academy Kim Slack, HOME Inc. Moderator: Alan Michel, HOME Inc. |
| |
Thurs., Oct. 28
5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: New Roles for Established Media?
Alex Jones, Shorentstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, Harvard University Mark Jurkowitz, Boston Globe Amy Mitchell, Project for Excellence in Journalism Moderator: Stephen Van Evera, MIT Political Science
co-sponsor: The Technology & Culture Forum at MIT |
| |
Thurs., Nov. 18
5-7 pm E25-111 | |
Forum: Copyright Wars
Donna Ferullo, Purdue University Copyright Office Michael Meurer, BU School of Law |
| |
spring 2004
Thurs., Feb. 19
5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Writing and Producing in Prime Time
Writer and producer John Romano, Hill Street Blues, Third Watch, American Dreams |
| |
Thurs., March 11
5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Interactive Television
Josh Bernoff, Forrester Research Dale Herigstad, Schematic TV |
| |
Thurs., March 18
5-7 pm 4-237 | |
Forum: The Emerging Mediascape
Jeffrey Dvorkin, National Public Radio Mark Jurkowitz, Boston Globe |
| |
Thurs., April 1
5-7 p.m. Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Changing Media, Changing Audiences
Betsy Frank (interview), MTV
Moderator: Henry Jenkins, MIT |
| |
Thurs., April 8
5-7 p.m. Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Movies and Digital Piracy
Jack Valenti, (interview), Motion Picture Association of America
Moderator: Thomas Doherty, Brandeis University |
| |
| |
fall 2003
Thurs., Sept. 25
5-7 pm Bartos Theater
| |
Forum: Pinker's Farewell
Steven Pinker, Harvard Univ. Moderator: S. J. Keyser, MIT |
| |
Thurs., Oct. 30
5-7 pm 4-237
| |
Forum: Are National Television Systems Obsolete?
James Carey, Columbia Univ. Elihu Katz, Hebrew Univ. and Univ. of Pennsylvania William Uricchio, MIT |
| |
Thurs., Nov. 13
5-7 pm Wong Aud., E51 | |
Forum: Covering Iraq: American Media vs. the World?
Alex Jones, Shorentstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy Danny Schechter, Journalist and Media Critic |
| |
Fri., Nov. 21
4-6 pm Bartos Theater | |
Special Forum: E-topia/ Designing Cambridge: 21st Century Communications for our Community
William Mitchell, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences |
| |
Sat., Nov. 22
10-11 am 6-120 | |
Special Forum: E-topia/ Designing Cambridge: How Can Information Technologies Serve Cambridge? |
| |
Sat., Nov. 22
11:15am-12:15pm 6-120 | |
Special Forum: E-topia/ Designing Cambridge: How Well Does Media Serve Cambridge Citizens? |
| |
spring 2003
Thurs. Feb. 27
5-7 pm 3-133 | |
Forum: Is TV Drama Obsolete?
Jimmie L. Reeves, Texas Tech Univ. Robert J. Thompson, Syracuse Univ. |
| |
Thurs., April 3 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Writing and Producing in Prime Time
John Romano, writer and producer, American Dreams |
| |
Thurs., April 17
5-7 pm 3-270 | |
Forum: Demographic Vistas Thomas Streeter, Univ. of Vermont
Susan Whiting, CEO, Nielsen Media Research |
| |
May 2-4 Bartos Theater
| |
Conference: Media in Transition 3: television
| |
| |
fall 2002
Thurs., Sept 19
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Who Owns Research and Teaching?
Hal Abelson, MIT EECS, co-founder Creative Commons Ann Wolpert, Director of MIT Libraries |
| |
Thurs., Oct 3
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Creativity/Markets/Copyright
Rosemary Coombe, author The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties Mark Lloyd, Civil Rights Forum on Communication Policy Respondent: W. Curtiss Priest, Center for Information, Technology & Society |
| |
Tues., Oct 22 5-7 pm 26-100 | |
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution
Howard Rheingold co-sponsor: authors@mit |
| |
Mon., Nov 4 5-7 pm Bartos Theater
| |
America at War? A Conversation With Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Henry Jenkins, CMS Charles Stewart, MIT Political Science |
| |
Wed., Nov 6 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Copyright and Culture
Siva Vaidhyanathan, NYU, author Copyrights and Copywrongs Jonathan Zittrain, Berkman Center for Internet & Society |
| |
Thurs., Nov 14 5-7 pm Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Culture Talk on Public Radio
Ellen Kushner, WGBH |
| |
spring 2002
Thurs., Feb 21
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Children's Culture and New Media
Special, two-part forum Howard Blumenthal, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Gerard Jones, author of Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Superheroes and Make Believe Violence Craig Walker, The Magic School Bus Alan Kay, Squeak.org Mitchel Resnick, Lifelong Kindergarten |
| |
Thurs., March 7
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Transformations of the Book
Jason Epstein, author of Book Business: Publishing: Past, Present, and Future Steven Pinker, MIT |
| |
Thurs., April 4
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Humor on the Web
John Aboud, Modern Humorist Michael Colton, Modern Humorist Tim Harrod, The Onion |
| |
Thurs., April 18
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Religion and the Internet
Charles Henderson, The First Church of Cyberspace Elena Larson, PEW Internet & American Life Project Scott Thumma, Hartford Institute for Religious Studies |
| |
Thurs., April 25
5-7 pm
Bartos Theater | |
Forum: Alternative Media
David Goodman, Boston Community Reporters Project Marc Stern, Bentley College |
| |
Thurs., May 9
5-7 pm
E51-145 | |
Forum: World Media and Monopoly
John Hartley, Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Danny Schechter, MediaChannel.org Respondent: Ingrid Volkmer, Kennedy School of Government |
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Fri.-Sun. May 10-12 Bldg. E51 Tang Ctr. | |
Conference: Media in Transition 2: globalization and convergence
History of MIT Communications Forum: past calendars |