We are excited and hopeful over the arrival of a new president at MIT. Your experience at other universities and your knowledge of the biomedical sciences bring . . . |
Allan S. Bufferd
We have prepared this article in response to a request for comments on the management of the MIT Endowment. With the increased importance . . . |
The events of 9/11 and the environment generated in response to 9/11, in particular the passage of the Patriot Act and the expansion of Homeland Security apparatus . . . |
the faculty regulates examination and assignment for all subjects. |
From the Faculty Chair
Rafael L. Bras Last spring the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC) started to codify some concrete ideas to improve faculty governance. Nobody considers the system as broken . . . |
Teach Talk
Jeanne S. Bamberger Over the years I have taught the music fundamentals course subscribing to the usual rule-based music theory practice. But recently, out of a sense of dissatisfaction . . . |
J. Mark Schuster The Committee on the Undergraduate Program (CUP) oversees the undergraduate academic program, particularly the freshman year and interdepartmental programs. |
Robert J. Silbey It is necessary, from time to time, for a great university like MIT to take stock of its undergraduate educational programs from a fundamental perspective. |
James B. Orlin Recently, I have been giving more than my usual amount of thought to some aspects of undergraduate policy, in part because of issues that have arisen in teaching . . . |
Shawn Foley You will be an MIT retiree if, when you leave the Institute, you are age 55 or older, and have completed 10 years of MIT Retirement Plan eligible service after age 45. |
Judges from the UCDA Annual Design Competition have chosen the redesigned MIT Faculty Newsletter to appear in the 2004 Design Show. |
Daniel Hastings, Daniel Roos In December 1998, the School of Engineering established a second new division, the Engineering Systems Division (ESD), which focuses on the engineering of . . . |
MIT Poetry
Tunney Lee Erhu. A two-stringed, vertical fiddle introduced into China from Mongolia in the Song dynasty, 960-1279. |
Vijay Kumar Academic Computing, part of MIT's Information Services & Technology (IS&T) organization, is committed to supporting faculty in creating innovative uses . . . |
Kathleen Cahill, Edward Barrett As increasing numbers of course materials migrate from paper to the Web, the issue of equal access for all becomes more than just a trite saying. |
OpenCourseWare Update
Mary P. Rowe In 1985, I could not find a course anywhere that linked negotiation theory with conflicts within the workplace. So I set out to apply the theories of my Sloan colleague . . . |