MIT Faculty Newsletter  
contents Vol. XXIII No. 4
March / April 2011

This issue of the Faculty Newsletter features commentary on education in America. Our editorial, "Protecting Education in America," as well as articles by Provost Reif and Faculty Chair Kochan explore the changing view of both public and private education, and what we need to do to ensure their continued strength and growth.

walking in snow
About DSpace@MIT
Did you know that MIT has one of the largest digital repositories in the world? Director of Libraries Ann Wolpert provides a brief overview and some fascinating statistics.
Free Market Apocalypse: Safeguarding the World
from Large Disasters

Ernst Frankel explores what the BP Horizon oil spill and the recent Japanese nuclear power plant disaster have in common.
Protecting Education in America
Editorial Subcommittee
The domestic news is filled with accounts of the Tea Party efforts in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Florida to cut public investment in public services, often with a focus . . .
The Contributions of Institutions Such As MIT
to a Knowledge-Based Economy
L. Rafael Reif
An article in the January/February 2011 Faculty Newsletter introduced MIT’s approach to international engagement. The article pointed out, among other things . . .
From the Faculty Chair
Reinventing and Sustaining the Faculty of the Future
Thomas A. Kochan
The recently released report on MIT Women in Science and Engineering celebrated the progress made since the original 1999 and 2002 reports, while cautioning . . .
Departmental Discussions of Diversity and Inclusion
Edmund Bertschinger
The MIT Department of Physics is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and student populations to improve our excellence and to better serve the society . . .
Practical Considerations for the Involvement of Graduate Students in MIT’s International Engagements
Ulric J. Ferner and Christine Ortiz
The topic of international engagements has been one of recent conversation throughout the MIT community, with discussions taking place on the opportunities . . .
The Roadmap to the Future of MIT’s Student Information System
Mary Callahan and Eamon Kearns
In early fall, Information Services and Technology (IS&T), in partnership with the Offices of the Dean for Undergraduate Education (DUE), Graduate Education . . .
Free Market Apocalypse: Safeguarding the World
from Large Disasters
Ernst G. Frankel
While free market economies thrive and basic capitalism works well, it does require effective regulation to police or curtail corruption, self-serving, and harm to people . . .
About DSpace@MIT
Ann Wolpert
DSpace@MIT is an innovation of the MIT Libraries that was launched in 2002 to address the growing challenge of collecting, preserving, and distributing MIT’s . . .
Disappointed in NRC Rankings Prominence
John Guttag
I was disappointed to see the NRC rankings data given prominence in the recent Faculty Newsletter. There is widespread agreement that the study was deeply . . .
MIT 3rd in World University Rankings
MIT was ranked 3rd in the recent World University Rankings 2010-2011 by the Times Higher Education. Harvard University was ranked first followedby the California . . .
M.I.T. Numbers
U.S. News & World Report: Top 10 Graduate Engineering Schools
M.I.T. Numbers
U.S. News & World Report: Top 10 Graduate Business Schools