The Flagship Research Projects were a mechanism for collaborative research between Masdar Institute and MIT. Designed to bring together teams of faculty from both Masdar Institute and MIT to address key strategic research areas, the intent is to build critical mass, make sizeable research impact, and potentially evolve into full-fledged research centers.
The following projects were active as of May 31, 2018 and are scheduled to be completed by October 31, 2020.
High Efficiency, Lightweight, Radiation-Resistant Space Solar Cells Enabled by 2D Material Based Layer Transfer (2DLT)
Investigators at MIT: Professors Jeehwan Kim, Eugene Fitzgerald, Jeffrey Grossman
Investigators at Masdar Institute: Professors Matteo Chiesa, Kin Liao
MUSES: Multi-Use Space Energy Systems
Investigators at MIT: Professors Steven Leeb, James Kirtley, David Perreault
Investigators at Masdar Institute: Professors Hatem Zeineldin, Mohamed Elmoursi Vinod Khadkikar, Mohamed Al Hosani