The Habitat for Atlantis I will be a cylindrical object with a domed roof and a moon pool at the bottom. Its dimensions will be 6.6 meters tall with a radius of 5 meters. It will also be divided in into three floors each of which will be vital to operation. Each of these floors has been designed to work efficiently and serve the different purposes of the 14 day missions that will occur during operation. The habitat will be operated by a group of 6-9 people who will conduct research on the coral life nearby.

The Top Floor - "Alex Floor"
The Top floor will have a domed roof and will be used mostly for storage as well as our resource systems. The domed roof was added in order to aid in pressure resistance. On this dome there will be a hatch which will be used for emergency purposes. It will be able to attach itself to a transport vehicle so a quick exit will be possible. This hatch will also open into a flood room where water can rush in from below. It will help create an easy escape route during time of emergency. This floor will also have many of our resource systems which will be vital to the habitat's operation. These include air, water, waste, and power. Each will be positioned with the ability to run throughout the entire structure providing all the necessary human needs. The top floor will be one of our most important floors as it will contain all the mechanics needed to live underwater for and extended period of time. Picture: top floor.jpg

The Middle Floor - "Calvin Floor"

The Middle floor will be the living quarters and the laboratory space. It will also include an office for research. This floor will be divided into two sealed halves. One will be living space and the other lab space. The labs will contain all the materials and equipment needed to conduct research and studies. In order to maintain safety of the workers on board, there will be a waterproof wall dividing the labs and the living quarters. This will ensure nothing being used in the labs can interfere with where the scientists will be sleeping. The lab will also have an office space where research and information can be compiled. The other half of the lab will be the living quarters. There will be two rooms which have the capacity of 6-9 people. The living space will also contain a kitchen and a bathroom. The food such as canned goods will all be stored in the kitchen as well as all other edible items. This will include a stove and other appliances which help cook food. The bathroom will be communal and will have showers and will have two showers, two sinks, and two toilets.

The Bottom Floor- "Shira Floor"
The bottom floor will be mostly for storage space, mechanical repair, and robotics. It will also have a moon pool where most of the transport in and out of the lab will take place. The floor will have places that the robots can be repaired and maintained. There will also be storage space for anything extra that will need to be placed somewhere. The robots will be deployed from the bottom floor to be sent on missions to research life in the area. This is good because there will be a moon pool nearby and they will not have to go far to enter the water. The moon pool will have a radius of about 1.5 meters. It will have capabilities to allow the transport vehicle to attach itself to it. The moon pool will be the primary entrance to the laboratory. The moon pool is off center. This is a result of the staircase in the middle of the habitat.

The entire habitat will be connected by a staircase which will run in the middle of the structure. Each floor will have a stair case which is going to be one meter wide. The habitat will also be able to be separated on each floor. The floors will have a hatch that will be able to shut off completely. After climbing the stairs from one floor you will be able to seal off the previous section of the habitat. The floors will each have a thickness of .2 meters each insuring that they can withstand the weight of the machines in the habitat. The habitat will also be broken up into different heights per floor. Alex's floor will have a height of two meters, Calvin's floor will have a height of 2.2 meters, and Shira's floor will have a height of two meters. These heights and specifications will ensure the safety of the scientists if water would have to run into the habitat. Picture: cross section.jpg