Working with Files

Under the File menu, select Open.... This pops up the Open File dialog. Select the layout file you wish to import.

Format for Layout Files

Layout files (*.lay) are readable text files and can contain as little as a list of desired singularities or the entire amount of information (singularities, data points, and streamline starting points.)

A sample file curveball.lay is available.

It is easy to create your own layout file. The first line of any PFlow layout file must have the line:


Below is a template for each type of entry into the layout file.

dipl 0.0 0.0 50.0 180.0
vort 0.0 0.0 -5.0
sorc -5.0 7.0 1.0
free 0.0 1.0
data -4.0 4.0
strm -8.0 -8.0

This list will create the following:

1. A dipole at (0,0) of strength 50.0 and oriented at 180 degrees.
2. A vortex at (0,0) of strength -5.0.
3. A source/sink at (-5,7) of strength 1.0.
4. A freestream of magnitude 1.0 at an angle of 0 degrees.
5. A data point located at (-4,4).
6. A streamline starting at (-8,8).

That's it.