Working With Singularities

Adding Singularities

Singularities are added by first clicking on the appropriate button at the top of the main window. To determine what a button is hold the pointer steady over the button and a pop-up hint will occur. The first five relate to singularities and are (from left to right):

Source, Sink, Dipole, CCW vortex, CW vortex

To place the singularity, click on the position in the view window (which looks like graph paper). The coordinates appear along the edge of this window. Each time a singularity is added, its characteristics appear in the Singularities Table.

Editing Singularities

The properties of the singularities can be edited much like a typical spreadsheet. To change the characteristics (x position, y position, magnitude, and orientation), click on the value you wish to change, enter the desired value and press the return or enter key on the keyboard.

PFlow automatically calculates the effects of the changes made and refreshes the display.

Note: It is possible to change a source to a sink or vice versa by simply changing the sign of the magnitude. The same can be said about vorticies. However, it is NOT possible to change the type of singularity by editing the singularities table.

Deleting Singularities

At this time, the only possible way of deleting singularities is by clearing all of them. This is done by choosing the Clear Singularities button from the Main window.

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