| How tall should her sarcophagus be? When the players unlock the sarcophagus at the end of the game, they should be able to peer down into the sarcophagus and witness the magical infinity mirror effect. To ensure an appropriate line of sight for all players, we applied the principle of universal design and evaluated the height of shorter players. Since similar attractions at 5 Wits and Boda Borg are designed for ages 7 and up, we looked at the average height of 7-year-olds. At age 7, female children stand at 47.7'' tall on average, and male children stand at 48'' tall on average. Based on these data points, we designed a 7-feet long, 2-feet wide, and 2-feet tall sarcophagus. This creates a 64-square foot surface area of hieroglyphics around the four sides of the sarcophagus for the players to explore and try to decipher, which should be more challenging than earlier design from our concept refinement model, yet still solvable. |