
April 28th, 2002
Your rings are ready for you. Come get them this May 5th at the Boston Science Museum. Begins at 5:30 PM. Dinner, Dancing, Lightning and OmniMax shows!

March 23rd, 2002
If you were not able to purchase your rings during the week after Premiere, you can still order over the phone. Jostens does not gaurantee the rings will be ready in time for Delivery if you did not make your order before March 26th.

March 23rd, 2002
Detailed pictures of the surfaces of the Ring have been posted.

March 18th, 2002
Detailed pictures of the surfaces of the Ring will be posted very shortly. For now, take a look at the flash presentation we used at the Premiere. Enjoy!

March 18th, 2002
The LED lights have ARRIVED! Please bring your IOU to Lobby 10 and receive your gift. These things are blinding!

March 18th, 2002
The winner for the Beaver guessing contest will be announced very soon. Please check back later tonight.

March 17th, 2002
The Brass Rat was revealed and from what the Ring Committee has heard, the class is very pleased. Thank you all for showing up at the Premiere and make sure to stop by Lobby 10 to purchase your Ring.

March 13th, 2002
The winner for the Scavenger Hunt was announced several days ago. Runner-ups have been notified and will receive a participatory prize at Premiere.

March 10th, 2002
For those who are curious, details on the Ring Premiere are posted.

March 10th, 2002
The results of the Scavenger Hunt to be released soon. The Final Clue will be emailed to the winners.

March 3rd, 2002
The Submission form for the Scavenger Hunt has been posted. Once you solve the fourth and final set of clues, submit as fast as you can for a chance at a FREE BRASS RAT.

February 26th, 2002
A class wide vote is held to make the final decision on the seal shank of YOUR Brass Rat. The following image was sent out with the email to reveal initial designs for a woman as the scholar.

February 10th, 2002
The Brass Rat Scavenger Hunt Begins. Visit here for your first clue.

January 23rd, 2002
Starting at the beginning of the spring semester, MIT's 2004 RingComm is posing a challenge to the class in the form of a month-long scavenger hunt! Keep looking back here for your first clue.

December 17th, 2001
With the release of the new movie "Lord of the Rings," we just couldn't resist...

October 21st, 2001
A scrap piece of paper was found in a trash can in Lobby 7. The paper was authenticated as a drawing from one of the Ring Committee's design meetings.

This picture was taken of the scrap before it mysteriously disappeared.

September 27th, 2001
There are sightings of a possible 2004 ring design in the return box of CopyTech