Dining Room
Living Room

Sarah walks out and they both talk about Norman. Eventually both leave and Tom, Annie, Reg, and Norman all come out to play ball. Only Annie and Norman are left playing and they end up kissing as Reg and Tom are off to the side talking. Ruth comes back out to the Garden and sees the couple kissing. Tom, filled with jealousy, grabs Ruth and kisses her. Sarah also comes back out and seeing both couples kissing drops the tray she was holding. Reg can't help but laugh and laugh.
Things settle down a bit for the rest of the day until it's time for dinner in the Dining Room.
Start 5:30pm, Sat. 6pm, Sat. 6:30pm, Sat. 8pm, Sat. 9pm, Sat. 9am, Sun. 11am, Sun. 8pm, Sun. 9pm, Sun. 8am, Mon. 9am, Mon.