Dining Room

Living Room
Reg seeing both Ruth and Norman on the floor proceeds to wake them up. They get up off the floor and leave the room.

Annie comes in, sees Reg and Tom, and tells them that breakfast is ready in the Dining Room*. Tom and Annie leave to eat. Eventually Ruth, Norman, Sarah, and Reg all end up back in the Living Room to say their farewells.
The two married couples make their way out to the car only to run into car trouble. The wives sit out in the Garden while the men work on getting the car fixed.

Start 5:30pm, Sat. 6pm, Sat. 6:30pm, Sat. 8pm, Sat. 9pm, Sat. 9am, Sun. 11am, Sun. 8pm, Sun. 9pm, Sun. 8am, Mon. 9am, Mon.