
- Please start by reading our Matlab QuickStart Guide (PDF)
- A concise series of introductory lectures on MIT OCW explores basic MATLAB techniques
- MIT also provides a web-based Matlab Tutorial (requires MIT certificates)
- Matlab on Athena (Students can obtain a copy of Matlab here)
The Junior Lab Staff have provided a Matlab fitting template script to aid you in fitting the data you will acquire in Junior Lab. Download the following 6 files to a new directory on your local computer or within your Athena account.
- fittemplate11.m (The main script)
- fitlin.m (subroutine necessary for linear fitting functions)
- levmar.m (subroutine necessary for non-linear fitting functions)
- gradsearch.m (subroutine necessary for non-linear fitting functions)
- gauss3.dat (a sample dataset used within the fitting template)
- bev81.txt (a sample dataset used within the fitting template)
---Other---> NIST Statistical Data Sets
Matlab Examples for Inspiration
- axisproperties.m Demonstrates various axis and grid options in figures
- antenna.m Models the irradiance pattern of the 21cm radio telescope
- alphas.m Demonstrates the Geiger-Nuttall Relationship test in the Physics of Alpha Decay
- subplots.m Demonstrates the use of the ‘subplot’ command for efficient display of raw data sets
- simpoisson.m Basic generation of Poisson distributed populations
- singleslit.m Modeling single slit diffraction of a HeNe laser
- doubleslit.m Models double slit diffraction
- planck.m Calculates the spectral irradiance from a Black Body using the Planck Radiation Law
- maxboltz.m Calculates the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of Thermal Neutron Velocitites
- expdecay.m Generates a noisy exponentially decaying dataset for testing non-linear fitting routines
- xyerrorbars.m Demonstrates how to create plots with both x and y error bars
- plotmultipleaxes.m Demonstrates how to create plots using both Y-axes (for data sets with very different scales)