In the Laboratory
8.13 Syllabus and Policies
8.14 Syllabus and Policies
Lab Safety Guidelines
Lab Ethics Guidelines
Lab Notebook Guidelines
Other EHS Documents

Reports and Presentations
Reports and Presentations
Oral Report Evaluation Form
Physical Review Home
APS Guidelines for Speakers

Computing Environment
Numerical Recipes in C
Geant 4

CRC Handbook
NIST Physics Data
Table of the Isotopes
National Nuclear Data Center
WebElements Periodic Table
List of Nobel Prizes
HyperPhysics Web Site
Overview of Particle Physics
Particle Data Group

Advanced Laboratory Physics Association
Society of Physics Students
American Physical Society
American Institute of Physics

MIT Links
EHS Training

Data Analysis

Getting Started with Matlab in Junior Lab

  1. Please start by reading our Matlab QuickStart Guide (PDF) (TEX)
  2. A concise series of introductory lectures on MIT OCW explores basic MATLAB techniques
  3. MIT also provides a web-based Matlab Tutorial (requires MIT certificates)
  4. Matlab on Athena (Students can obtain a copy of Matlab here)

The Junior Lab Staff have provided a Matlab fitting template script to aid you in fitting the data you will acquire in Junior Lab. Download the following 6 files to a new directory on your local computer or within your Athena account.

  1. fittemplate11.m (The main script)
  2. fitlin.m (subroutine necessary for linear fitting functions)
  3. levmar.m (subroutine necessary for non-linear fitting functions)
  4. gradsearch.m (subroutine necessary for non-linear fitting functions)
  5. gauss3.dat (a sample dataset used within the fitting template)
  6. bev81.txt (a sample dataset used within the fitting template)
    ---Other---> NIST Statistical Data Sets

Matlab Examples for Inspiration
  1. axisproperties.m Demonstrates various axis and grid options in figures

  2. antenna.m Models the irradiance pattern of the 21cm radio telescope

  3. alphas.m Demonstrates the Geiger-Nuttall Relationship test in the Physics of Alpha Decay

  4. subplots.m Demonstrates the use of the ‘subplot’ command for efficient display of raw data sets

  5. simpoisson.m Basic generation of Poisson distributed populations

  6. singleslit.m Modeling single slit diffraction of a HeNe laser

  7. doubleslit.m Models double slit diffraction

  8. planck.m Calculates the spectral irradiance from a Black Body using the Planck Radiation Law

  9. maxboltz.m Calculates the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of Thermal Neutron Velocitites

  10. expdecay.m Generates a noisy exponentially decaying dataset for testing non-linear fitting routines

  11. xyerrorbars.m Demonstrates how to create plots with both x and y error bars

  12. plotmultipleaxes.m Demonstrates how to create plots using both Y-axes (for data sets with very different scales)








site maintained by the Junior Lab Staff