8.581: Entropy, Information and the Brain
January 1998
Welcome to the Homepage for Physics 8.581 in IAP 1998
William Bialek, NEC Research Institute and
Zhaoping Li, Brain & Cognitive Sciences
A. Nihat Berker and
Mehran Kardar, Physics Department
9:30 to 11:30AM everyday during IAP, 1998; starting on January 5,
in room 3-270.
- Dr. Bialek will give 8 lectures on Mon-Thu of the first 2 weeks
- He will conduct Recitations/Discussions on Fridays 1/9 and 1/16
- Mon 1/19 is the Martin Luther King Holiday
- Dr. Berker will give 2 lectures on Tue 1/20 and Wed 1/21
- Dr. Kardar will give 2 lectures on Thu 1/22 and Fri 1/23
- Dr. Li will give 4 lectures on Mon-Thu of the last week
- There may (or may not) be a final Recitation/Discussion on Friday 1/30
This 12 unit course is primarily intended for graduate students in the
Physics Department, and can be counted towards their breadth requirement.
Grading of the course will be based on a number of problem sets.
Watch this space for any changes and new announcements: (Previous announcements)
Currently available handouts:
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