Visual illusion lab

Helpful tip: try zooming your page in and out to find an optimal viewing size for each illusion.

1. Can the illusion of aerial perspective persist with color palatte swaps and the removal of blur?
2. Can an afterimage be filled in from stereoscopic cues?
3. How does the presence of variously oriented gradients affect the perception of depth?
4. Does color affect grouping in Gabor snakes?
5. How does an implied global 3D lighting affect perception of local shape from shading?
6. What effect does color palette have on the strength of the Hermann illusion?
7. Can Illusory Contours be Formed from a Coincidental Alignment of Moving Inducers?
8. Do concise depth cues eliminate the Müller-Lyer illusion?
9. Does the Introduction of External Lighting Cues and Angle Affect Perception of Shape From Shading?
10. Do chromatic variations have an effect on motion perception and multi-partite illusions?
11. Are the perceived configurations of ambiguous objects constrained by each other? (TA)