What defines a world class educational partnership? For the Singapore-MIT Alliance (or “SMA”), it is a collaboration built on four pillars of excellence: students, faculty, teaching and research, and sponsors, but not necessarily in that order.
SMA is a global partnership in graduate education between MIT, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Each university on its own has a high degree of stature within its region and domain. Paired together, as close and active collaborators, they have made significant contributions through the SMA partnership over the past 13 years that have and will impact the world.
To date, SMA has graduated close to 1,000 students. In an era marked by intense global competitiveness and great technological challenges and opportunities, our students are very well prepared. Each one experiences globalisation every day – in the classroom, where students take courses at a distance from either MIT or Singapore; by meeting with his/her co-supervisor via videoconferencing; and by being in a classroom filled with students from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. These experiences prepare them to continue to collaborate internationally in companies such as Bain & Co., BNP Paribas, Caterpillar, Credit Suisse, Daimler Chrysler, Exxon Mobil, Intel, IBM, ILOG, IM Flash, McKinsey, Mercer, Micron Semiconductor, Novartis, Proctor & Gamble, PSA and Schlumberger.
Over 48 MIT faculty and twice as many NUS/NTU faculty participate in SMA. The SMA faculty work together to share educational and mentoring responsibilities and knowledge creation, working together and learning from one another with the common goal of producing great students and research results.
Exceptional students and world class researchers alone would not have been sufficient to produce such a successful programme without the generous support and guidance SMA received from the start and throughout the past 13 years. SMA is greatly indebted to all the sponsoring agencies, the administration, and committees for their leadership, wisdom, council and unwavering support.
I am very confident SMA faculty and students will continue to be a driver of change and, through their efforts, create new technologies, industries and businesses. More importantly, they and SMA are setting a model for all future successful global educational partnerships.
Prof Dick K P Yue
Co-Director (MIT)