Dr Ren Yang
Research Fellow, AMM&NS Programme
"I conducted my research in the field of magnetic nanostructures. In the two years that I have been with SMA, I have been provided with a good research environment and an excellent platform to explore the new frontiers of my research field. It is my honour to be a member of SMA."
Lakshmi Venkatraman
Research Assistant, CSB Programme
"I have been with SMA for four years and I find that the interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers in the Alliance provide a conducive environment that facilitates the broadening of research goals and providing a good platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and culture."
Dr Zhang Zhiqian
Research Fellow, CE Programme
"One year ago, I received the opportunity to join SMA, which provided me with a prestigious and innovative research platform. The colourful and creative multi-disciplinary research projects carried out in the Alliance have expanded my worldview and enhanced my capabilities. I am confident that the experiences I have gotten from SMA will benefit me for a lifetime."
Dr Fu Gang
Post Doctoral Fellow, MST Programme
"I joined the SMA four years ago. I find that SMA is a good platform for researchers as there are many outstanding professors from both Singapore and MIT for us to work with. In addition, the liaison with MIT also provides us with opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences with the researchers in MIT. The research project that I am currently working on revolves around the subject of microfluidics device manufacturing, and is challenging, cutting-edge and very interesting. I would say that I really enjoy my research life in SMA."