FIND/COLLECT OVERDUE BALANCESMake monthly collection phone callsBased on review of the monthly Aging Report (see ZAR2 - Run aging report by dunning area), A/R personnel will determine which customers have account balances overdue more than 60 days. Each of these customers will be contacted and reminded of their overdue balance.Note: A/R makes no collection efforts on behalf of Alumni, Benefits Accounting, or CAES, but distributes again reports to these departments for this purpose. (Aging reports are printed automatically to each department printer.) A/R Procedure:
Process mailA/R receives and opens mail each day. Much of this is routine office mail. Particular types of mail to be segregated for special review and handling include:
Use outside collection servicesBased on review of the monthly Aging Report (see ZAR2 - Run aging report by dunning area) and MIT parameters for outside collection (described below), A/R personnel each month prepare a list of customers to be placed with an outside collection agency. This list will be forwarded to the Assistant Controller responsible for A/R for approval.Customer balances will be brought to zero ($0) by means of a credit memo (see F-27 - Enter credit memo) with an offsetting debit to the Cost Center/Profit Center of the originating department. In addition, customers placed in collection will be blocked (see FD05 - Block/unblock customer services/ charges/ payments) from further posting in SAP with appropriate notification to departments. MIT parameters for outside collection:
Use payroll deductionBased on review of the monthly Aging Report (see ZAR2 - Run aging report by dunning area), MIT receivable payroll deduction parameters (described below) and regular monthly collection processes, A/R personnel will determine which overdue customers are candidates for MIT payroll deduction.A standard form letter is completed for each customer and forwarded to the Assistant Controller responsible for A/R for approval and signature. The form letter is a negative confirmation; therefore, no response is taken to mean that the employee does not object to the payroll deduction. If, within the next 30 day cycle, the employee does not object to the payroll deduction, the information will be forwarded to Payroll for entry into the Payroll system. If a customer contacts A/R within the next 30 days and objects to the deduction, no deduction will be made. In these cases the Assistant Controller and the A/R Supervisor will jointly determine further courses of action and resolution of the receivable. Receivable Payroll Deduction parameters:
Subsequent to the payroll deduction, AR personnel need to F-27 - Credit customer for payroll deduction |
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