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SP.287 Kitchen Chemistry Seminar at MIT -Syllabus for Spring 2009

Tuesday April 21st -no class because it is a monday schedule on a tuesday

If you want to do an at-home experiment-Wacky Cake

Weekly assignment

  • Take a look at the recipe
  • Reading assignment from the text (On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee)-find the parts in the book relevant to today's recipe
  • Since we are nearing the end of kitchen chemistry this week's assignment lets you think about the principles we have talked about during the class.

Homework questions

  1. How is cocoa made?
  2. What is the purpose of the vinegar?
  3. Why do you have to add both baking soda and baking powder?
  4. Why add melted butter?
  5. Why do you need to add lukewarm water? Why not cold water?
  6. What does the salt do?
  7. How is powdered sugar made?
  8. What could you have added to this recipe to make it more interesting?


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Last updated: December 28, 2008