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Syllabus for SP.287


SP.287 Kitchen Chemistry Seminar at MIT -Syllabus for Spring 2009

Tuesday, February 17th - no class due to monday schedule on a tuesday, but if you want an experiment, make some Pancakes

Weekly assignment

Fun Websites:

Homework questions

  1. Do we really need to add both baking soda and baking powder? Why or why not?
  2. How do they make buttermilk?
  3. How do you make maple syrup?
  4. What is sour cream?
  5. Why do you whisk the dry ingredients separately from the wet ingredients?
  6. Why don't you want to over mix?
  7. Why does the last pancake you make always taste the best?

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Comments and questions to patti@mit.edu

Last updated: December 28, 2008