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SP.287 Kitchen Chemistry Seminar at MIT -Syllabus for Spring 2009

Tuesday, March 31st- Vegetarian Chili and Cornbread and food an their intereactions with your body

Weekly assignment

Homework questions

Chili specific questions:

  1. What is chili?
  2. What gives the chili the hotness?
  3. Why are beans good for you?
  4. Why do you think that the chili always tastes better after sitting in the refrigerator overnight?

Beans, Asparagus, Beets and Artichoke tasting:

  1. What causes beans to give you flatulance?
  2. How can you prevent the flatulance from occuring?
  3. What is the major component of human flatulance?
  4. What happens when you eat asparagus?
  5. What happens when you eat beets?
  6. What happened after you ate the artichokes and drank water?

The dangers of letting your chili burn in your pot is that you have to clean it afterwards!

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Last updated: December 28, 2008