monitor '01

aegean '01

hunley '01

defence '00

black sea '00

black sea '99

ashkelon '99

black sea '98

midway '98

skerki '97




skerki :: wreck a :: wreck d :: vehicles :: people


Dana Yoerger, David Mindell, and Hanu Singh leaving Naples Harbor (Mt. Vesuvius in the background).  
An acoustic transponder, part of the EXACT system, ready  to be lowered to the seafloor.
Working on the winch for JASON's cable.
Will Sellers, Brendan Foley, DM, and Dana Yoerger in the lab aboard ship
A project such as Skerki Bank requires extensive collaboration. Here, representatives of the U.S. Navy, WHOI, MIT, Johns Hopkins,
Univ. of Southampton, Univ. of British Columbia, National Geographic, and others pose for an end-of-cruise photo.




Deep Water Archaeology Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Rm e51-194
Cambridge, MA 02139



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